xxiii. real life

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It was coming towards the last few days of filming and the thought of not being around these beautiful people everyday like she had been for the past six months brought a lot of sadness to play heavy on her heart.

This entire cast and crew were the light of Jasmine's life and she couldn't thank her uncles for trusting her to work on this project to contribute to her Uncle Fred's legacy. She will be forever grateful for the experience and the friendships this job had brought her.

After an awkward encounter and a following equally awkward conversation where Joe demanding some answers the day after she spent the evening with Ben and his dog Frankie but had continued ignoring his calls. They seemed to pull their relationship back on track and the older boy actually understood Jasmine's reasonings for pulling back from everyone, himself having done it in the past. He just assured her that she could come to him with anything as he wouldn't care if it was the end of the world, he would drop everything to help her with anything she asked of him.

Now that the tension on set had diffused, Jasmine was excited to be back at work and fully be present. Currently sat on Gwilym's lap and her legs thrown across Rami's, the cast were waiting in the green room to be called to set, filming a giant party scene that required the 'first wives club' to be also present.

"Shouldn't you be on your own husband's knee?" Joe's voice brought Jasmine out of her conversation with Gwil and Leila who was playing his wife Chrissie. Turning her head to look at him and Ben on the other side of the room, Jasmine quirked an eyebrow, "I mean, I could but I don't want too!"  She shrugged before smirking at Ben. "Sorry honey!"  to which he just shot her a smirk back, making Joe and Rami roll their eyes at the playful encounter.

The first AD had just called for them, a burst of energy running through the group of actors, ready to get back down to business. Throwing her legs off his lap, Rami was the first up jumping up and down a little before pulling Jasmine off of Gwil's lap too. Everyone making their way out when Jasmine noticed Ben hadn't moved. Glancing over her shoulder, she made her way back and held out her hand; "Come on then husband, time to be a rockstar!" Jasmine smirked causing to Ben laugh as he clasped his big hand in hers and they made their way to set.

Fun. Today's day at work was fun, wasn't too strenuous, they were on a few takes on the first camera angle for the scene and Jasmine had her hand on the back of  Ben's neck, running her nails up and down the back of his scalp. Ben's head falling back and he moaned in Jasmine's ear, "Please stop princess, feels too good. Plus I might fall asleep at this rate." Jasmine cackled and removed her hand, switching up the hand her champagne flute was in. "You said last night, you were a bit stressed. Was just trying to make you more relaxed love." Jasmine whispered. Ben smirked, "Wait until we're not on set, literally anywhere but here, you can come to mine later if you like?" Squeezing his leg in response, she couldn't wait for a snuggle with her new best pal Frankie.

"ACTION!" Ben's hand slipped into mine easily and we got up from our seats. "We're going to go actually. " "Ohhh god you're dull!" Rami scoffed, "If you were any more dull. You'd be Deacy!"  He laughed. Jasmine turned to look at Joe, who's face had screwed up in a look of hurt. "What are you complaining about you've got your little pet?" Ben questioned. "Yes and he's loyal. Loyalty is so important don't you think Dominique?"  Rami addressed Jasmine, her eyes widening in confusion a little as Ben squeezed my hand a little tighter as he pulled me towards him. "Careful Fred." Ben warned, "Let's go." He said before shoving past Rami and Allen, "Where are you going?" Rami turned to us "Home." He forcefully replied, Ben's arm snuck round her waist as they made their way to the next room where we were quickly followed by Gwil and Leila. "It was just a joke!" Rami hollered back, but it was too late.

After finishing off those takes for the party scene, Jasmine made her way back to her wardrobe to undress for the day as that was a wrap on Dominique. After making it back to her trailer, she made a cup of tea and caught up on some emails and checked her text messages to find one from an old friend.

Doing Alright // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now