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Joe_Mazzello Always manages to look beautiful even when she's caught off guard

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Joe_Mazzello Always manages to look beautiful even when she's caught off guard. Bitch. (love you forever) #wrapparty

Tagged JasMercury

Liked by BenHardy1, adamlambert and 18,579 others

AdamLambert 🔥🔥🔥

JasMercury adamlambert
God I miss you! Thank you darling 😘

JasMercury lol before we all got too drunk and I started to cry and demanded someone take me home 😅

JasMercury fucking best night ever though!!

BenHardy1 damn wifey 😍 teach me how to look this good?!!!

JasMercury BenHardy1 fuck off you look like you're chiseled by the Greek Gods 🙄

MrGwilymLee JasMercury just take the compliment princess 😉

BenHardy1 MrGwilymLee JasMercury I know right, bloody hell!

JasMercury BenHardy1 sorry! Thanks hubby, love you! 😘

JasMercury How the fuck am I going to cope without these two in my life everyday? I love you to the moon and back gentlemen

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JasMercury How the fuck am I going to cope without these two in my life everyday? I love you to the moon and back gentlemen. #wrapparty

Tagged joe_mazzello, therealleech

Liked by therealleech, lucyboynton1 and 16,376 others

therealleech Jess has already asked when you can come round for dinner! I'm going to miss your face so much!

JasMercury therealleech you ask me to come to dinner, I'll never leave!

therealleech JasMercury I'm sure Jess will have no objections to that, we'll set up the guest room now!!

Joe_Mazzello how will I cope without you my love? (This is not even sarcastic) I genuinely don't know how!

Joe_Mazzello ohhh wait you said you'd come stay with me for a while so I don't have to worry! We're going to go down as the best roomies ever! Joey and Chandler who?!

JasMercury joe_mazzello damn was I drunk when I agreed to that?

MrGwilymLee *tumbleweed blows past*

BenHardy1 awkward

Joe_Mazzello ...

JasMercury joe_mazzello fuck sake I'm joking. I can't wait to smush your face every day!!
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