xxxiii. real life

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The trip to Bali was slowly coming to an end and when I say slowly, I mean it went by way too quickly and reality was calling Ben and Jasmine to head back to London and back to work.

To say the trip had been successful in breaking away from the reality of why they were there would be an understatement. Jasmine enforced a once a day rule for the six days they were fully there, where they could check their phones. Not including picture opportunities, they may have been on a phone detox but Jasmine wasn't stupid, they still had to have some evidence they visited this beautiful place.

When Ben woke up after Jasmine found him in his apartment a couple of days after his break up, he was very confused when the brunette told him to pack a case and she'd be back within an hour. Letting her begrudgingly drag him to the airport, only really checking in to reality, when she pulled on his hand after the last call for Bali rang through the departure lounge. He looked up at her and when Jasmine cast him a small smile and squeezed his hand, he could of cried again.

Ben didn't fully relax until about two days into the trip and when he finally managed to wind down, Jasmine finally relaxed. She hated seeing the people she loved in pain and seeing the reaction of his breakup was worse than the pain she felt about her own.

Ben and jasmine spent their trip mostly relaxing by the pool at their villa and attending yoga classes at the local relaxation centre. When they weren't connecting with their inner souls, they were taking the time to genuinely do nothing. Doing nothing wasn't something that they got to do a lot due to their lives being so hectic and with heading into press for borhap and Ben's new film in Italy, Ben really did appreciate this time to do nothing and just being with his best friend.

Jasmine was out on a big day bed on the decking reading a book, Ben had his head on her lap and was taking a quick nanna nap. They had just finished packing to go home, or Jasmine had just finished packing both of their cases to go home and they were taking one last moment of serene peace and quiet before life took over once more.

Finishing the chapter of her book, Jasmine bookmarked her page and popped her book down next to her. She looked down at her friend who finally looked peaceful, this trip had been beneficial for both of them. Ben needed to be as far away from his flat as possible because he would only just dwell in the once happy memories that now broke his heart. Jasmine needed to be away so she wouldn't do anything stupid like drunk dial Richard whilst out with Lucy.

Smiling at his peaceful face, she gently stroked the top of his head. Bens eyes fluttered open, blinking at her for second and smiled making her heart ache and smile back. Leaning down Jasmine quickly pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. "Come on sleepyhead, time to go home"

{a/n} sorry this is short and sorry this is well overdue. I've been very busy and also had writer's block. I'm one of those who has ideas and has it all mapped in my head but struggles to find time and motivation to actually get it down on paper!

Doing Alright // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now