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JasmineBulsara Don't drink on a school night kids. That's the lesson we've learnt today.

5.8k RTs // 9.2k likes

User1 oh girl we know the feeling
JasmineBulsara liked this tweet

User2 why are we getting drunk on a school night queen?

JasmineBulsara user2 weekly wine night with Lucy plus being sad meant I drank twice as much wine than normal and me embarrassing myself 🙈

User3 ohhh we know the feeling. If you don't mind me asking, how did you embarrass yourself ? Xx

MazzelloJoe user3 her and Lucy got on the group chat at 3am and told us how much we distract them at work because of how hot we are. She's not wrong. 🤷🏽‍♀️

JasmineBulsara MazzelloJoe ohhh look at that, you and your perm are being called to set.


JasmineBulsara On a separate note I have so many behind the scenes photos I want to post (and some exciting news) Going to ask Uncle Rog and Uncle Bri wha I can post for you guys ❤️

17.8k RTs // 26.5k likes

{a/n} hope you're still enjoying x

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