v. groupchat

888 16 1

BoRhap Bitches
Group chat contains six participants:
Elliot 🤖, Mazzello 🦖, Peter Beale 😏, Bri 2.0 🎸, Love of my Life 🥰, Princess 👑

Mazzello 🦖
When she calls you 'Dino boy' on national tv 🍆💦

Elliot 🤖
When she tells the world she head butted you during sex 👍🏾

Peter Beale 😏
Wait what?

Brian 2.0 🎸
Yeah come again Rami?

Elliot 🤖
*sex scene

Peter Beale 😏
Bit tmi I mate

Brian 2.0 🎸
Yeah we don't need any details

Elliot 🤖
It was autocorrect. I was talking into my phone! 

Love of my life 🥰
What is actually happening?
I'm confused

Princess 👑
I hate you all
Except you Lucy.
I love you.

Peter Beale 😏
Rami was just telling us how Jasmine head butted him during them doing it

Princess 👑
They're talking about
something that happened
on Kimmel Luce

Elliot 🤖
Fucks sake we weren't doing it
it was autocorrect

Princess 👑
guys leave him alone.
I know what he meant.
But its true I did head butt him
And it hurt a lot it was bloody rock hard

Peter Beale 😏
What was rock hard princess?

Princess 👑
Fuck off peter

Love of my life 🥰
I can't imagine
1 how embarrassing that must have been
2 how funny it was
3 I think I love you even more

Princess 👑
Love you Luce
Also hold wtf did you say Joseph?

Mazzello 🦖
I said what I said 🤷🏽‍♀️

Princess 👑
You're a fucking loser Dino boy
I was just like to reiterate that I hate you all
Apart from Lucy and Gwilym 😘

Brian 2.0 🎸

Elliot 🤖

Peter Beale 😏

Mazzello 🦖

Princess 👑
Well I walked into that one didn't I 🙄

Love of my life 🥰

{a/n}  I literally love this cast so much. How  many press junket videos can you watch before it become a bit weird ?
Please remember to like, leave comments and suggestions. They're all welcome! X

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