xxi. Multi

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Since arriving back in the England three days ago, Jasmine had busied her self by going back to work and over shadowing certain musical numbers with her Uncle Bri and Uncle Rog. Whilst simultaneously trying to avoid the cast outside of work as much as possible, she needed to keep busy so her focus wasn't pulled from her working mindset because as soon as someone asks about her feelings; Jasmine didn't know if she was in a place to know if she'd be able to talk about what had happened with her ex yet without crying or not.

Lucy was right, a week in the sun did help with the healing process to an extent. Being with her friends and dancing to ABBA really was good for the soul. But then not ten minutes into being back at home, keys rattled in the front door and Richard came home. Dammit, she forgot Richard technically still lived here.

And they had it out, screaming and throwing arms in the air as they vented their problems at each other. Granted Jasmine and Richard realised if they had just spoke about things as soon as it arose they might have totally avoided this outcome but it didn't stop them from screaming at each other nonetheless.

Jasmine was pounding her fists against Richard's chest whilst she cried out her frustrations and before she realised what was happening, Richard had grabbed her wrists and had his mouth against hers. It was all teeth and tongue, passionate and angry. Jasmine knew the second this started it was goodbye for the last time.

Resting her forehead against his, they gathered their breathing as they basked in the silence of the aftermath of their goodbye. "I really did love you."  He breathed out. "I know. Me too." Jasmine spoke quietly as she squeezed her eyes shut and with one last sweet kiss to her forehead, Richard picked up the box of things she didn't realise was on the breakfast bar and left.

From that moment, Jasmine didn't want to talk to anyone. Her relationship was definitely over and she didn't know if she could salvage some sort of friendship out of this one? Okay she spent some time with Lucy and Rami later that day but that was only because she was in when they just so happened to drop by to drop off some fresh milk and essentials and it couldn't be avoided. But after another fresh batch of tears she refused to talk to anyone.

So here we are sat in the car park of the studio three days into being back at work, after saying goodbye to her Uncle Brian and avoided the many confused texts from Joe. Gwil and the rest of the guys knew when to talk and when it was best, to let her sort her shit out by herself but Joe was upset that she had been avoiding him. Jasmine didn't even avoid him after they slept together all those years ago, they just laughed it off and became closer than ever so he was confused as to what he had done that had warranted this reaction when he was promised some quality time with his best friend.

Jones ❤️
I know Mazzello wants
to spend time with you
and he's upset you're ignoring
him but come to mine
after work tomorrow?

Mercury 💛
He'll go mad
but okay x

JasMercury Turns out all you need to start mending your broken heart is cuddles with this angel (and Ben)Jokes love you too Jones

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JasMercury Turns out all you need to start mending your broken heart is cuddles with this angel (and Ben)
Jokes love you too Jones.
(Just not as much as Frankie!)

Tagged: BenHardy1

Liked by lucyboynton1, arianagrande and 22,438 others

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JasmineBulsara Guys you don't understand how hot Ben looks in his Roger wig. Girls this is your 9 months warning. You'll thank me later. 😉

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{a/n} I know. I know. It's been a while. I've been very busy with work and I basically have a second "non official" job (I don't get paid) which takes up a lot of time, rehearsals and the fact I've been at a bit of a brick wall and I've had some really sad personal news. On top of thinking of cute storylines for a fic I don't even have up yet or started for that matter. But I'm trying to speed the process of the story along so it's more up to date with present day. Honestly I'm trying to get more stuff done but I like a few chapters in my drafts first before I start publishing and I've had no inspo and I've been a bit mentally drained. Got to take care of yourself my friends, but I had some motivation to actually do something today hence this going up! Might even post the previous chap too (this is just a note to past C to do that too seeing as I've not posted in nearly a month!) as always please like and leave comments, it's always appreciated and I hope you liked this chapter. C x

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