xxxii. texts

470 5 0

Jasmine 🥰
Thank you x

Lucy 🥰
Don't be silly!
He just worries sometimes,
Joe just gets a bit intense,
because he loves you so much x

Jasmine 🥰
I feel bad but I needed this x

Lucy 🥰
I know, it's just cause
you upped and left.
That's all! x

Jasmine 🥰
yeah, well I took the idea off
my uncle John like Rami said,
he's not mad is he? x

Lucy 🥰
Of course he isn't!
Don't be silly!
Rami loves the bones off you,
you're his best friend and he'll
support you through anything! x

Jasmine 🥰
Thanks, I kinda needed to hear that.
Tell him, I love him, will you? x

Lucy 🥰
It's the first thing I'm doing,
When I get off the phone x

Jasmine 🥰
You're the best!
I love you Luce! 💛

Thank you for not pushing,
I'm in Bali ... x

Lucy 🥰
I know honey 😂
You tagged your location on insta x

Jasmine 🥰
ohhh 🙊 I did, didn't I?!


Lucy 🥰
What is the '...' about?

Jasmine 🥰
I'm with Ben...

Lucy 🥰
Okay so at least we know Jones
is alive! x


Jasmine 🥰
You're still not going to push
for answers? x

Lucy 🥰
Nope! You tell me what
you want love x

Jasmine 🥰
Have I ever told you,
I love you Lucy Boynton! 😍

Lucy 🥰
Once or twice, yeah ! 😂
Love you too darling x

Jasmine 🥰
I don't know if he told anyone,
but him and Kat broke up
and he's just in shock after 9
years together. That's a long time!
(He did just say I could tell you btw!)

I went round to find him sobbing
his heart out three days ago so after I managed
to get him to stop and he fell asleep,
I rang his agent and cleared his schedule for the next week, bought the tickets
and took us off to Bali.

And it made me think about Richard.
I mean we're both still sad
but at least we're being sad together.

And we're being sad together
and in Bali. It's a bit better than London!

Lucy 🥰
You're the best friend a person
could ask for, do you know that?

You're first thought was to take him
the furthest out of the situation, in
order for him to recuperate.

That's pretty selfless and if it helps
you along the way, I'm even more for it! x

Jasmine 🥰
See I knew you would see my
point of view.

Which is why I'm not talking in that group chat because chaos while ensue
and we're trying to take
a phone detox as much as possible! x

Lucy 🥰
Totally understandable!
Enjoy your holiday and be safe,
take lots of pictures! x

Jasmine 🥰
Thank you!
Tell the boys I'm okay
and I have Ben with me
and we're both with fine! x

Lucy 🥰
Will do, stay safe ❤️

Jasmine 🥰

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