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JasMercury Managed to get custody off Dad to have dinner with this handsome chap! He's way more impressed to be with me than he looks, I promise!  #ivemissedyou 😍

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JasMercury Managed to get custody off Dad to have dinner with this handsome chap! He's way more impressed to be with me than he looks, I promise! #ivemissedyou 😍

Tagged rass1975

Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack and 14,523 others

Trumanblack have him home by 8pm please xoxo

Bedforddanes75 trumanblack hey that's my line

Bedforddanes75 JasMercury have him home by 8pm please

User1 yes I live for these two

User2 I can't cope with G and Jasmine interacting after three years. I Stan one ex couple!

JasMercury Bedforddanes75 trumanblack yes dad(s) 🙄 p.s I want to see your faces next time

Ben looked at his phone, Jasmine's Instagram post lighting up his screen. She was out with another guy, granted he knew it was her friend but this guy was handsome and talented and in one of the biggest bands in the world right now. In his emotional state, he made a selfish decision and text her.

Jones 💛
Hi princess, I don't want to be a
pain but I could really do with
you here with me right now.
My head is all over the place
and I honestly don't know
what to do? x

Jasmine apologised to Ross when her phone interrupted his story about George breaking his collar bones two years ago, on her birthday nonetheless, with a text notification. Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and also of mild panic, what was wrong with Ben? No one else had text her and it wasn't on the group chat, so surely it wasn't an emergency that involved everyone.

Ross looked across at his friend in confusion. He couldn't read her, "Jasmine, what's wrong?" The brunette looked up at him quickly, "It's Ben. Something is wrong, but I..." The bassist cut her off, "Go to him." Jasmine looked at Ross, who's simply just smiling at her. "What, no I'm out with you and I haven't seen you in years. I'm not going to leave you." Grabbing her hand, Ross held her small hand gently and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"He obviously needs you, I know you mean a lot to him. Go to him and make sure everything is okay. We'll come see you next time we're home or we'll fly you out to see a show. Please just go to him darling. It's fine, I promise." Jasmine looked at him, what did she do to deserve friends like Ross. What an angel, quickly picking up her bag she leant other and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before rushing back out to her car.

Ben had been pacing his living room for the past fifteen minutes, the small 'seen' underneath plaguing his thoughts. Frankie impatiently weaving around his feet, trying to get his attention. He had fucked up, he was sure of it, Jasmine had left him on read. Throwing himself on the sofa, Frankie sat near his head and stared up at him, tail wagging. Ben reached forward blindly to pat the beagle's head, when there was a knock at the door. Ben groaned into the sofa cushion, whoever it was could leave. They'd come back later if it was important.

The knocking continued on and off for the next five minutes but Ben hadn't moved from where he was laying face down on the sofa, when he heard the faint jangle of keys in the door.

Jasmine pushed open the front door, he really shouldn't leave his spare key in the plant pot next to the door, anyone could break in. She took a look around the hallway of the apartment, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, when the beagle she had grown to love pattered through to see her. Jasmine scratched behind Frankie's ears before whispering "where's your dad at, ehh?" at the confused pup before walking towards the living room where she saw her friend face down on the sofa.

Kneeling down at the foot of the sofa, Jasmine reached out, running her hand down the back of his head, across his neck and to the top of his back where she rubbed circles into his skin. "Ben sweetheart, what's wrong?" She spoke it quietly, her only response was a grumble before he turned his head to look at her. Concern flashed across her face when she saw how red his eyes were. She soothingly stroked the back of his head, in hopes he would relax. "Are going to tell me what's wrong? You've got me in a right tizz! I came straight here." Ben's heart thumped a little harder at her words, she didn't reply because she was on her way to him.

"Me and Kat broke up" Ben whispered. It was almost as if he didn't say it loud enough, it wasn't true. Jasmine's smile faltered, the poor soul. "Right, go put something clean on because no offence love but you stink, how long have you been here? Then go climb into bed, I'll go make some tea." Jasmine pressed a kiss to his forehead before she made her way to the kitchen to put the kettle on, whilst she was getting the mugs out of the cupboard she could hear Ben slink off and turn the shower.

Placing a mug of tea on both bedside tables, Jasmine quickly changed the bedding, nothing was better than crawling into clean sheets and popped friends on Netflix and got comfortable against the head board.

Ben came out a couple minutes later clad in some grey joggers and a white t-shirt, he looked round and found his best friend in bed with a cup of tea, clean bedding and friends playing quietly in the background and nearly cried at the nice gesture. Jasmine popped her mug down and opened her arms and Ben felt a tear slip through the net and he quickly moved round to his side and clambered into her arms.

Although Jasmine and Richard weren't together as nearly as long as Ben and his now ex girlfriend, it's still rough going through a breakup and truth be told despite the facade she had been putting on Jasmine still wasn't doing too good.

Jasmine spent the next hour with Ben in her arms, his head on her chest whilst the rest of their tea went cold and she whispered how loved he was, pressing kisses to the top of his head in between his sobs whilst he explained their breakup. It was only when his breath laboured to a more even pattern and there was no sound apart from Chandler and Joey laughing in the background that she slipped out of his embrace and tucked him in whilst he slept and made her way out of the room.

Jasmine sat at the breakfast bar and racked her brains over a cup of coffee how she could take the blonde boy, who did so much for her the past three months since her breakup, take his mind off things. She sat there with her head in her hands trying to think what would the people she knows the best do?



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