xxiv. texts

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Ross 💛
I really hope this is still
your number otherwise this
is just weird!
But me and Hann saw your
instagram post and
we miss you.
R x

Jasmine 💛
Hello handsome!
Yes, it's still me!
Hahaha awkward if it wasn't ,
I was tempted to pretend it wasn't
but I couldn't do that to my little bear
I really do miss you guys so much,
even Healy!
How are you guys? x

Ross 💛
Wow it's been a long time
since I last heard that nickname!
We're good, busy as always
but when is that anything new?!
We're trying to finish up
the next album at the moment!
Should be out at the
end of the year! x

Jasmine 💛
Yeah well you were always
my little bear weren't you?!
I can't wait to hear the new
stuff, you guys have always been
so talented!
How are the boys? 
Adam still getting bullied
by Matthew I suspect?
How is Matty?
I heard through the grapevine,
he took himself off to rehab? x

Ross 💛
I'm hardly little am I love?!
Of course he is,
but it's all out of love you know that!
Matty is doing so much better,
it really did him the world of good!
Thank you, as much as I
love my job, sometimes I wish
we had time for a breather to be
at home with my family and see
our friends.
When was the last time I saw you?
I miss you! x

Jasmine 💛
Okay you're my big snuggly bear,
But that doesn't have the
same ring to it does it?  Haha
I'm so happy Matty is doing well,
I miss his stupid face and
your's and Adam's
beautiful little faces!
It's all worth it though in the
end isn't it, to see the love on
your fan's faces in the crowds!
Ross honey, don't.
You know dad got you in the divorce!!!   x

Ross 💛
Why should it matter, 
We all loved you too
and then you were ripped
out of our lives!
And now this is the first conversation
We've had in three years!! x

Jasmine 💛
You were G's friend's long
before you were mine!
It would have been unfair on him,
for all of you to stay in contact
after we broke up!
You've been best friend's
since you were kids,
I wasn't going to make it awkward x

Ross  💛
I thought you ended
on good terms though? x

Jasmine 💛
We did to an extent,
but when have we ever
been around each other since
for us to act like we're friends? x

Ross 💛
True, I suppose x

Jasmine 💛
It just happens love,
I moved to New York for work.
You guys went on tour.
I got a boyfriend.
He got a girlfriend.
It's just life unfortunately,
as much I would have liked
to have kept you all in my life.
I think it still would have
still been a bit rough for me and G x

Ross 💛
Just for the record,
he may have been with Caroline
longer than you but we all prefer
you 10x more!
Sorry to hear about
you and Richard btw x

Jasmine 💛
You can't say that hahaha
Thank you, it's alright
we just lost each other,
we didn't have time for one another
and pushed each other away.
But I've been doing alright. x

Ross 💛
It's true! haha
I'm glad you're doing alright
though chick. It won't have anything
to do with this Ben fella
by any chance?!!!! x

Jasmine  💛
Ross! Omg stop it!
Ben has girlfriend who he's been
with for nine years! Cut it out!
This entire group of people
who have been brought together because
of my Uncle Fred have been amazing!
It's not just Ben!
Although his cute dog does help! x

Ross 💛
You always did love dogs!
You'll have to meet Allen,
he's Matty's new puppy!
Not that he looks it, he's massive!
You'll love him, he's a big softie! x

Jasmine 💛
Omg yes! You know I can't say no
to some dog love!
If we're ever in town at the same time
and not busy! Count me in! x

Ross 💛
It's a date! x
Okay no, that sounds weird! 
It's a platonic date with our mate's dog!  x

Jasmine 💛
Hahahahaha ffs
I know what you mean
you silly goose!
God I've missed you!
Ermmm this is going to sound
well shady now but can we not tell G
about us talking?
you know what he's like and I don't
want him to get weird
which is exactly why we've not spoke
in three years!
Until I can speak or see him,
I just think it's fair to him first  x

Ross 💛
Of course I won't x

Jasmine 💛
Thank you love,
Got to go Joe's calling me for
an emergency on set!
Hopefully see you all soon x

Doing Alright // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now