xxxix. real life

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Jasmine was stressed. That was it. She was stressed and running around her new flat like a headless chicken. Press started in London for the film in three days and whilst the original plan wasn't for her to join the lads. Lucy and Ben could only join Rami, Joe and Gwil for a handful of interviews in London due to prior work commitments. So last minute, head of press for the film had decided alongside Brian and Roger that Jasmine should be at least accompanying Rami, Gwil and Joe as they fly across the world to promote the film and do a few interviews myself. In which this gives me 48 hours to sort my life out, pack up said life into a suitcase with enough shit to last nearly two months worth of travelling.

Joe had come over to "help" but Jasmine won't lie, She was ready to throw him out the bloody window at the rate he was going. "Joe you know I love you but please just shut up for a minute, you're giving me a head ache!" Massaging her temples, She stepped back from the second case she was packing, Joe quickly made his way around the bed towards her hunched over figure and wrapped his arms around Jasmine's shoulders. Pressing his lips to her temple, he mumbled "Would you like me to just leave you to it?" Nodding meekly, Jasmine quickly peeked at him through her peripheral vision. "You know I'm only teasing, I just want what's best for you... even if it isn't me!" Joe dramatically sighed, pushing himself off her, as Jasmine shooed him out of her personal space. Ushering a quick "I'll see you at dinner." over his shoulder before the sound of the front door slamming echoed back through the apartment. 

"Hi welcome to heat world and please give a warm welcome to Lucy Boynton and Jasmine Bulsara!"  The host exclaimed to the camera as we waved towards the one facing us.

"Lovely to be here." Lucy responded whilst Jasmine grinned with a nod of my head in response.

"Let's get started then, what was it like to be apart of this film? Jasmine let's start with you."

"It has been an honour of a lifetime, to know I had a small part of this story fills my heart with some much joy. I could die happy tomorrow!"

"But you're already apart of the story. With Freddie being your uncle."

"That's true in a way, although I was born way after all this amazing stuff happened. I'm just happy I could be apart of Uncle Fred's legacy like this. Them trusting me to help transform Rami and the boys has been a dream. Anyway enough about me, Lucy!"  Jasmine probed, chuckling.

"Playing Mary has been the most amazing experience but also one of the most tricky in terms of creating a character because you want to do her justice but I was going off of other people's stories and tried to delve into her that way. I didn't get to meet her unfortunately."

"Have you seen any of the film yet?"

"I've seen snippets. But I'm waiting for the premiere next month so I'll be able to see it then in all it's glory!"

"You've seen snippets!" Lucy gasped "I've seen none, but I'm so excited too!" 

"So you've probably been asked this a lot BUT what is your favourite queen song?"

"Hmmm mine is probably Radio Gaga OR White Queen although it changes but that's my answer today!"

"Somebody to Love. It's just an absolute classic isn't it?" Lucy shrugged.

Doing Alright // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now