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Joe_Mazzello It's starting to get obnoxious how much we like each other

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Joe_Mazzello It's starting to get obnoxious how much we like each other.

Location: London

Tagged: mrgwilymlee, ramimalik, benhardy1

Liked by JasMercury, MrGwilymLee and 21,754 others

JasMercury nah it's okay mate, don't credit me for taking the picture. It's alright, I see this is a one sided relationship. #itsover

User1 look how cute they are

User2 I wish I was friends with them all

JasMercury user2 you don't. Individually they're tolerable, together they're annoying af

User2 JasMercury omg

BenHardy1 JasMercury I told him to credit you darling, said our Jasminda won't be happy.

JasMercury BenHardy1 You're such a suck arse! Flattery gets you know where Peter!

Joe_Mazzello JasMercury I credit ALL my life's work to you and you're upset about a picture???

BenHardy1 JasMercury I'm not!! Promise! I love you, please don't denounce our friendship too

JasMercury joe_mazzello BenHardy1 I hate you both so much.

User3 I love their friendship so much

{a/n} As always remember to like, leave comments and suggestions. They're all welcome!  Thank you x

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