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Place: STPR Inc

The members were watching their leader doing his works behind the door. They're kinda worried about him.

"Hey, don't you think that Naa-kun's kinda pushing himself a little hard lately?". Asked the tallest member, Jel. "You're right,". Blue member, Colon stated his agreement.

"Then, what should we do? Ask him to stop?". Riinu made worry face. He's really cared about Nanamori as Nanamori saved him before. To him, Nanamori is a saviour who gave him a second chance to live.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Riinu-kun,". Said the youngest member, Root. "Ruu-chan's right, Riinu-kun. Naa-kun won't listen to us,". Jel sighed.

*silence* All four of them were thinking ways to persuade their leader to take break and care of himself more. But, the problem is no matter what they're telling, their gentle yet stubborn leader won't listen to them. He'll assure that everything will be fine and tell them not to worry about him.

While they're lost in their thoughts, Bam! The door opened. "What a hot day~ I'm thirsty... Water... Water...". It's none other than their oldest member, Satomi who arrived late.

"Oi! You're late, Satomi-kun!". Colon scolded his partner. "Gomen, gomen... I had to send Hina-chan, Moka-chan and Sharu-chan to pet hotel. But, it seemed that Hina-chan doesn't wanna let me go~ Such a clingy boy. Now I need some water,".

While pink-blue duo were chatting to each other, a light bulb appeared on the orangehead, Pom! "That's right! We got Sato-chan!". "Huh?". Satomi was puzzled since Jel suddenly mentioned his name.

"Ah! I see! If it's Satomi-kun, Naa-kun will listen to him!". Exclaimed Riinu. "Uh... guys? What're you talki-". "Ruu-chan, Riinu-kun! Capture our target, please!". Jel gave a command. "Yes sir!".

Riinu quickly grabbed the pinkette's right hand while yellowhead took his left, "Woah! Riinu, Root? What's going on here!?". Satomi's dragged by red-yellow duo while the last Traffic Light Children's member, Colon pushed his back. "You're so noisy! Just follow us!".


Place: Near Nanamori's office

"So? What do you need? Dragging me to Naa-kun's office...". Satomi demanded for an explanation. He's kinda annoyed by them.

"Satomi-kun, we need your help! Only you can help us!". Root held both of older's hands with sparkling light of hope in his sun coloured eyes. "Help?". "Yeah... You see...". Jel began to explain the situation to his member.

"I see...". Satomi took a deep breath, "I'll do it,". His answer made his younger members cheered, "Yatta! Arigatou, Satomi-kun!!!". They thanked him. Satomi smiled, "Well, excuse me,". He went to Nanamori's office while the others' praying for his success.

Knock! Knock! Satomi knocked the door. "Naa-kun? Are you there? May I come in?". He politely asked for permission. He waited not so long before he heard, "Yes, please come in,". "Then, sorry for the intrusion,". Satomi opened the door before close it.


Place: Office

"Naa-kun...". Satomi called the purplette name. He's standing behind Nanamori, who's busy with his works. Nanamori turned to his direction.

He's in terrible condition. His eyes were covered in dark circle and his clothes wrinkled. "What's wrong, Satomi-kun?". *weak voice* Nanamori asked while yawning. He didn't sleep for a few days.

Upon saw him in that condition, Satomi clenched his fist and bit his lips. "Hn? What's wrong, Sa-". Satomi cut his sentences, "Naa-kun, please take a rest,".

Nanamori giggled, "So, you're telling the same like others too... Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not overdoing,". However, he stopped giggling when the older kept silence. "Satomi...kun?".

Satomi gave him a sharp gaze. *sweatdrop* "Umm...". Nanamori knew that he messed up. Although Satomi always laughing and doesn't care if someone make fun of him.. but he can be serious. He's stoic and very hardworking person.

Sometimes, it's hard to read what written on his face. "Perhaps... He's mad? Please, don't stay silence, Satomi-kun... Say something,".

Satomi placed his hands on the younger's shoulders which caused Nanamori to flinch, "Hii!?Sato...chan?". "I'm done for it!!!".


(A/N): I decided to write each chapter short since it's easy to detect mistake...

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now