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Place: Cat Store

A certain male with purple haired and a pair of matching colour eyes, was in his own little world. "Hnn! Why you're so cute?". Said Nanamori as he buried his face in soft furry balls... I meant.. cats.

Yes, Nanamori spent his free time in cat store. He had been here for a few hours. Weird enough, right? But, since he's a cat lover, so it's a perfect place for him to relax. "Ahh~ I wish I'll reborn as a cat in my next life~". Thought Nanamori.

Nanamori played with cats. Ragdoll, Munchkin, Persian, British shorthair... he could name it all. Being surrounded by these furry balls is truly a blessing for him. It's a cat paradise!

"Sorry, P-chan~ I was supposed to help you. Instead I got carried away,". Nanamori apologized to a short girl, P Maru or rather known as P-chan. She got beautiful golden hair that gradually changed to scorching orange at tip.

"It's fine, Nanamori-san! In fact, I'm glad to have you here!". P smiled. Having to manage the store alone is kinda hard for her. Luckily, Nanamori was here to help her from time to time. She's truly grateful to him.

"Umm... Nanamori-san? Is it fine to spend your day off here?". Asked the curious P. "Why? I'm happy to spend my time with these beautiful angels! In fact, I think I wanna be here all day!".

Nanamori happily hugged a cat, "Well.. I wish I could adopt one but.. you know... I'm so busy.. so...". "It's okay, Nanamori-san! I understand! You're free to come here! You can even consider this place as your second home,". Nanamori smiled, "Thank you, P-chan!".

"Hm?". He felt that his phone vibrated. He realized that there were a few messages from his fellow members. Upon he read it, his expression quickly changed.

P noticed the change, "Nanamori-san? What's wro-?!". "I'm sorry, P-chan! I have to go now! Thank you for having me here today!". Nanamori rushed out from the store in panic. "You're... welcome?".

"Please hang on, everyone! I'll come to the rescue!".


Place: Satomi's House

Bam! The door was opened by force. Everyone was startled by it. *pant* "Are.... you... guys... okay?". Said Nanamori between breaths. "Naa-kun?!". Everyone rushed to their out-of-breath leader.

"Are you okay, Naa-kun?!". Asked the red dog, Riinu. "Yeah... don't worry about me.. How about you guys?". Nanamori tried to catch up his breath but first, he want to make sure that everyone is safe.

"We're totally fine, Naa-kun...". Said Colon before he added, "But...". Nanamori grabbed both of Colon's shoulders, "But what? Coro-chan?!". He became impatient and demanded for the answer.

"Na-Naa-kun? Calm down!". Root tried to calm the panic leader. Jel only sighed and hopelessly shook his head, "Maybe it's a bad idea to inform Naa-kun after all,". *whisper* "Oi! Jel-kun! Naa-kun can hear you!". Riinu whispered to the orangehead's ear.

"Hmm? What are you guys talking?". Nanamori looked confused. He released Colon before analysed the surrounding, "Wait a minute... Why it's so messy here?". A realization hit him. "Sato-chan? Where is him?!".

Nanamori became more panic as the owner of house wasn't in his sight. "Don't tell me... Satomi-kun is in danger?! Is someone robbing his place?!"."Should we call police?!".

"Naa-kun!". Riinu hugged him, "You need to calm down yourself first!". Riinu said with teary eyes. He considered Nanamori as his saviour, so he didn't see Nanamori in this state. When Nanamori saw Riinu at verge of tears, he finally calmed himself.

"I'm sorry, Riinu-kun... I'm already calm down,". Nanamori gave smile and stroked Riinu's hair. "I'm sorry, guys,". "It's fine, Naa-kun. We're at fault for making you worry,". Jel assured Nanamori.

"Umm.. if you're looking for Satomi-kun.... He's in his room..". Colon averted his blue eyes, "But...". "Did something had happened to him?!". Root jabbed the older's rib which made him winced.

"Ouch!!! Root, you-!" Colon didn't managed to finish his sentences since Root gave off dangerous vibe. Root then quickly switched to his cute mode and said, "Satomi-kun is fine... Naa-kun! But.. please prepare your- your heart!".

"O.. okay?". Root's sentences made he felt curious but he quickly shook it off. He then went to see Satomi.


Time: A few mins later...

Everyone was busy cleaning the room when Nanamori went back to the living room. He wore unreadable expression. "You guys... We need to talk now,".

Everyone felt nervous since Nanamori look not so good in their eyes. *Gulp*"What will awaits us?".


(A/N): P is a Youtuber. She had collaborated with Nanamori and Jel a few times. She even released a song feat Nanamori.

Fun fact: Her first album is licensed under STPR Entertainment which made Nanamori as her producer.

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now