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Place: Kitchen

"Hahaha...". Nanamori nervously laughed as he put the last dish on the table. Right now, all of them were sitting at the dining table. They're ready for their lunch. "Here, our foods are done!".

There were simple dishes but enough to make everyone mouth-watering. The reason was it's already past lunchtime so they're really hungry.

They actually can eat their lunch on time, if that burning incident didn't happened. That incident cause them to cook again. Luckily, they had ingredients to cook which bought by Root and Riinu.

Nanamori took a seat beside Satomi. That half human-cat put his head on the table. He's so quite. "Ah... Satomi-kun is so quite. Poor him.. He must be starving because he didn't eat anything since morning,".

"Wow! These look so good, Naa-kun!". "As I expected from Mamamori!". "I can't wait to eat these!". "Me too!". "Guys... have a manner, please!".

Nanamori gently shook Satomi, "Satomi-kun... wake up...". "Nya?". "Come on, let's eat together!". Nanamori smiled brightly like a sun. He then put a bowl of seafood in front of Satomi. "Here... This is specially for you!".

"Oh!!! Sato-chan get different dish?". "Fish?". "Why won't you give him human foods?". "I'm interested to know the reason, Naa-kun,". Ahem! "Well... Based on what you told me earlier... it seemed that Sato-chan can only eat foods that suitable for cats. I meant, he rejected chocolates, right?".

They gave 'I see' face to show that they understood. "Anyways, let's eat!". Everyone clasped their hands and said, "Itadakimasu!". Satomi observed their action which picked his interest. He tried to copy their action although it's not neat, "Nya... Nya... Nyan!".

"O... Oh!!!". Everyone watched the scene with amused. They tried not to make loud noises since it can made Satomi uncomfortable. "Sato-chan... you're clever boy!". Proud Nanamori pat him. "Nyan~".

They began to eat. However, "Guh,". Satomi hands trembled. He tried so hard to use utensil like everyone did. Though he didn't has paws, but it's so difficult to him to use it. He can't use neither spoon or chopsticks.

Klang! The spoon fell on the ground. It surprised everyone who engrossed with their foods. "Sato-chan/Satomi-kun?". "Grrr...". He looked really upset.

Suddenly, "Here, Sato-chan... Say, Ahn!". Nanamori brought a handful spoon of seafood close to Satomi. Satomi opened his mouth wide and ate it. "Nyan!".

After that, they quietly ate whereas Nanamori continued to feed Satomi from time to time. Nanamori looked so happy. "As I thought... though he's half... but the truth is he's more like a baby~ Must protect him~".


Time: After lunch

All of Sutopuri members were chilling  in the living room. They're doing their own business while their leader took care of their oldest member. It's not like they didn't want to help him but Satomi was too cold to them. In the end, they could only quietly watched those two from afar.

BAM! Jel slammed the table, "Listen! Is it really okay to rely on Naa-kun alone?". "Well... it's not like we're not trying... but,". Riinu didn't finish his sentences. "I meant... if we didn't try to get along with Sato-chan, the story will end without us getting any character developments, you know?!".

"Character developments? Story? What's that? You're talking nonsense, Jel-kun,". Colon turned his focus on his games. "Fufu~ Leave it to me! I'll get along with Satomi-kun!". Root said confidently.

"What do you mea-?!". "I bought the secret weapon,". Root took out the bottle which he bought earlier from his bag. "That!".


"I wonder why they're so noisy... but you're fine since I'm with you, right Sato-chan?". "Nyan!". Nanamori played with Satomi. "Here, catch it!". Nanamori threw a wool ball to the pinkette which he managed to catch it. "You're great Sato-chan~".

"Naa-kun!". "Hn? What's wrong, Ruu-chan?". Nanamori felt weird as the yellowboy suddenly called him. "I-I wanna play with Satomi-kun too!". "Eh? It's fine... but please be careful, Ruu-chan,". "I will!".

Root took a deep breath and slowly approached the pinkette, "Satomi-kun?". *flinch* Satomi didn't move from his place but somehow he's kinda shaking. There's fear in his eyes. "Don't worry, Satomi-kun. I won't crush you to death. I just wanna play with you,".

The rest four just watched them. Satomi searched for dark purple eyes. Nanamori assured him by giving gentle look. "Nya?". "Here,". Root brought the bottle close to Satomi.

"? What's that?". Asked Nanamori. "It's dried catnip,". Replied Riinu. "Catnip, huh?". "I see...".


Thanks to catnip, Root able to play with his dear member. In fact, Satomi became so attach to him. He even licked Root's cheek. "Sa-Sa-Satomi-kun... stop it! It's tickling!". Root laughed cheerfully.

The others joined them too. Surprisingly, Satomi didn't reject them. They played together happily. However, someone watched the scene from the corner. Somehow, he felt something in his heart. "What's this feeling?".


(A/N): Thanks to a video & article that I read/watch, I was able to write this chapter. I thought that I'll end here... but, lucky you! www

Next chapter... will be the last chapter (probably).

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now