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"Ehhhhh???? What? No waaaayy!!!". Everyone screeched. "If Naa-kun can't do it too... then...". "It can't be real!". They tried to deny it but that long slit was a proof. *hopeless* "What should we do now?". "Nee, Naa-kun?".

Nanamori put his index finger on his mouth. He's in deep thought, trying to find the reason why Satomi scratched him. "Did I do something that made Satomi-kun upset? No.. right now I have to think Satomi-kun as a cat... Things that make a cat upset... Oh?".

Pom! "I see!". Exclaimed Nanamori as he discovered the reason. "What's it, Naa-kun?". "Did you already knew the cause?". "Please tell us too!". Everyone patiently waited for his answer. "Pfft...". Nanamori giggled, "It's simple... Sato-chan is jealous!". "Huh?". His answer didn't made sense to them. They tried their hard to rack their brains.

Nanamori stood and stretching his arms, "Yoshi! Now that I knew the cause... I'll go prepare myself!". He sounds so happy. "Wait wait wait... Naa-kun, where are you going?". Jel stopped him. They need an elaborate explanation from him.

"Just wait and see, okay?".


30 mins later...

"I'm ready!". Nanamori returned to them. He looked so refreshing and nice. "What're you doing?". Nanamori spun around, "Can you tell? I borrowed Sato-chan's bathroom to take a quick shower!".

"O...kay? Then, why you're wearing Satomi-kun's roomwear?". "Oh? This? www... I guess you guys still can't comprehend huh? It can't be helped then,". Nanamori pulled out a big whiteboard and began his lecture. He even wore glasses. He activated his Sensei mode.

"So, class... Any question?". "Me!Me!". Jel raised his hand. "Yes, Jel-kun?". "Why did you said that Sato-chan's jealous earlier?". "That's a good question!". Nanamori praised the younger which made him proud. "It's because I played with another cats before I came here,". "Play with another cats? Jealous?". They can't find connection between these two.

"Why would play with another cats have to do with jealousy?" Confused Root mumbled to himself but it still can be heard by the rest. "Ahh~ You guys still can't understand~ Hmm...". Nanamori frowned, "Question, Riinu-kun!". The person in mention replied, "Yes, Sensei!".

"Is there any day where Kota-kun avoid you as soon as you return to your house?". "Umm... Yes,". "Why was that? Did you do something on those days?". Riinu started to think, "Eh? If you ask like that.. umm.. probably because I touched stray cats on those days?". Riinu's face started to change when he realized something, "Wait a minute... could it be that...".

"Un! Un!". Nanamori nodded since he's satisfied with Riinu. "Let me explain. Cats are sensitive to smell. It's essential to recognize other livings. They use this advantage to do scent marking where they marked something as sign of their territory,".

Everyone pay attention to him. Ahem! Nanamori cleared his throat before continued, "That's why, when these cats smelled unfamiliar scent, they'll feel threatens, scare if someone will take over their territory. And.. before I came here, I spent my time in cat store. So.. you get it?".

"So... Satomi-kun scratched Naa-kun because Naa-kun got unfamiliar scent of another cats on him... That's why Naa-kun took shower and wore Satomi-kun's clothes?". Root made a conclusion. Nanamori clapped his hands, "Well done, Ruu-chan! You passed this class!".

"Yup! You're right! By wearing this roomwear which got same scent as him... I hope that Sato-chan will feel more comfortable around me,". Nanamori said in low voice, unconfident. "Nevermind... any other question?".

"Me, Sensei!". Colon energetically raised his hand. "Yes, Coro-chan!". "Can I eat banana?". *facepalm* "No. You can't,". "Eh? Whyyy!!!".


Place: Satomi's Bedroom...

"Sato-chan?". Nanamori slowly opened the door. Satomi turned around and gave not-very-welcoming face. "I hope it'll turn well this time,". He then approached the pinkette. Satomi sat still, on full guard. "Grrr...".

"It's okay, Sato-chan... I won't hurt you,okay?". Nanamori waved his hand to reassure the older. He then sat in front of Satomi. Satomi walked around him and sniffed him. Nanamori didn't moved even an inch because he don't want to scare him.

"...". *Gulp* Suddenly... "Nyan!". Satomi 'attacked' the purplette with a big cat hug. "Woah? Sa..  Sato-chan?". Nanamori lose the balance and fell. "Nyan~". Satomi rubbed his face against Nanamori. He acted like a pampered cat.

Nanamori couldn't help himself but laughed, "Hahaha...". Nanamori didn't slip away the opportunity to stroke Satomi's head. Satomi purred. He really liked the touch. "Nee, Sato-chan,". "Nya?". "You're cute,". "Nyan!".


(A/N): I think I'm having too much fun on Nanamori-sensei? www It would be nice if you think so too~

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now