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"Naa-kun... as you can see, Satomi-kun hate us,".

"Eh? What did you guys do?!". Nanamori unconsciously raised his voice which startled Satomi. Satomi frown and his brows furrowed. He's clearly didn't like noisy atmosphere.

"Ah! Sorry, Sato-chan!". Nanamori dragged all of his four sons away from the room. "Why did you dragged us, Naa-kun?". Asked the orangehead.

"We'll scare him if we're too loud. Besides, I demanded for your explanations,". Explained Nanamori as he led them by force to the living room.

"So... mind to explain... what did you do that he hate you?". Nanamori smiled. But, they could see he's going to pop his vein.

"Umm...". Everyone exchanged looks with each other. "Anyone?".




They're shocked to see the condition in Satomi's house. It's so messy! They felt weird. Even though Satomi had three cats and one dog, but he dislike his house in messy state. He's a neat type.

"What's happening here?! Did someone broke in here?!". Root panicked. Well... he's not the only one. The rest felt the same. "Should we call police?". Jel gave suggestion. Once in a while, he can used his brain for non-entertainment things.

"That's a grea-". "Nyaa~". "Hn? Nya?". Four pairs of colourful eyes darted to the voice's owner. "Hina-chan? Mimi-chan? Sharu-chan?". Colon called out all of Satomi's cats. *silence* "Wait a minute! I don't think it's them,". Riinu broke the silence.

"Then? Who's-". "Nyaan~".  A tall figure approached them. "Satomi-kun?! You're fine!". They surrounded him. Satomi rubbed his eyes and lazily replied, "Nyan?". He's half awake.

"Nyan? What's with your speaking?". A question mark appeared on their face. "By the way, did you cosplay as a cat?! Your tail is so realistic!". Riinu stroked his tail. "Hn?! Nya~". Satomi seemed relaxed.

However, curiosity suddenly took better of Riinu that he pulled Satomi's tail hard. "Nya!!!!". Satomi screamed in pain and scratched the younger. "Ouch!". Riinu's hand bleeding. "Riinu-kun! Are you okay?". "I'm okay. It's.. it's a real tail!". "Ehhh?!".

"Grrrr...". Satomi grunted. "Sato-chan? You're becoming cat?!". Suddenly, *rumble* "Muyaaa..". "You're hungry, Sato-chan?". "Nya!". Root treated Riinu's wound while Colon and Jel thought of suitable foods to feed Satomi.

"Let's see, what we got here?". Jel searched for foods in his bag, "Aha! I found something!". Jel handed Satomi a bar of chocolate, "Here, chocolate for you!". Riinu widened his heterochromatic eyes, "Don't give him that Jel! It's-". Zup!

The chocolate bar broke into pieces. Jel got scratched by the pinkette too. "Ouch! Sato-chan?!". "You idiot, Jel-kun! Chocolate is toxic for cats! It can cause them to die!". Yelled Riinu. "You should tell me sooner, Riinu-kun! Auch...".

"I thought that chocolate is toxic for dogs. So, it can applied to cats too... Interesting,". Exclaimed Root. "If chocolate is a big no, banana will do, right?". Colon shoved bananas to Satomi's face.

"...". Satomi stared blankly at the bananas. His amethyst eyes became dull, lifeless. He literally has no interest in banana that he pushed it away. The bananas fell on the floor.

"What?! My banana!!!". Colon instantly picked up his bananas and eat it, "Lucky~ It's still taste good,". He then pointed his finger at Satomi and yelled,


"That's..  your problem, Coro-chan?". "I think we should inform Naa-kun. It's getting out of hand here,". "I agreed,". "Let's do it,".


Back to present...

*inhale* Nanamori took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "It's okay... It's okay... Mori-san. They didn't know how to take care of cat,".

Out of six members, the one who had cat pet are Satomi and Riinu. But, since Riinu is more into dog person, he's less useful in this situation. As for Nanamori, although he didn't has any cat pet, he's quite knowledgeable about cat matters. It's because he's a cat lover .

"It's your fault Riinu-kun for pulling his tail harshly!". "Well.. talk someone who offered chocolate to a cat! Do you want him to die or what?!". "You couldn't be any better, Coro-chan! You offered him banana!". "At least banana is better than chocolate!".

Jel, Colon and Riinu started to bicker. "Come to it, Ruu-chan.. what did you do that he hate you too?". "Ahh.. About that... I..". Root played with his fingers. "Since Satomi-kun is so cute.. so.. I.. umm.. kinda squeezed him.. a bit hard?". Nanamori blinked his eyes, feeling unbelievable.

*speechless* "...". Nanamori fell on the ground while covered his face, "It's useless... Usually, I'll cheer up them but... they can't be save anymore. It's beyond hopelessness! Kamisama, please forgive me. I'll do something,".

"Yoshi!! Fear not, my members! Since it had came to this... I had no other choice but... to take care of Sato-chan alone!". Eh?". "Just leave everything to me!". Nanamori said with high spirit. "Sato-chan, wait for me!".


"Are you sure it's fine to leave everything to Naa-kun?". "I'm not really sure.. but Sato-chan's so hard to tame,". "It's Naa-kun after all. He can do it!". "Yeah, just believe in our leader, shall we?".

A few minutes later, Nanamori returned to the living room. "How's it go, Naa-kun?". However, they noticed a long slit on their leader's cheek. "Na-Naa-kun... your-your cheek?". "Don't tell me...".

Nanamori laughed awkwardly, "Haha... it's look like I got scratched by Sato-chan too. Tee-he☆". "Ehhhhh???? What? No waaaayy!!!".


(A/N): Today's 16/05/2021... it's Satomi's 5th Anniversary🎉🎊

I didn't prepare anything for this event T_T... so, I decided to publish 2 chapters today to celebrate it... 💗

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