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Time: Night

A certain person still busy doing his work on the desk. The clock showed time, 9:49p.m. "Eh? Nanamori-san? You didn't go home yet?". Nanamori turned to the voice's owner, Kikuochi.

She's their secretary. "Oh! Kikuochi-san! I still have something to do.. so.. yeah,". "It's not good, Nanamori-san... It's already pretty late. Why won't you just go home and take rest already?". Said Kikuochi.

"Don't worry, I'll take a day off tomorrow so I'll finish my work tonight,". *sigh* "Nanamori-san, please go home okay? If your members found out that you're staying up late doing your work, they'll get worry. Especially if you fall sick,". Kikuochi gave advice to him.

"... Kikuochi-san is right. I'll make the others worry if I fall sick. Besides, I had told Sato-chan that I'll rest tomorrow. I don't wanna see his angry face again. It's too scary,". Thought Nanamori in his head.

"Okay.. I'll go home now. I'll lock the door,". Kikuochi smiled, "It's fine. I'll lock it for you, okay? Just go home and please arrive at your home, Nanamori-san,". Kikuochi offered her help.

"I appreciate it, Kikuochi-san! Arigatou!". Nanamori packed his things and leave his company. "I had decided! I'll spend my time with my beloved angels tomorrow!!!".



"Urghh... Hot... It's so hot tonight!". Satomi groaned in pain. His body was burning. The reason why he declined to join dinner with other because he's feeling unwell since lunch.

He already unbuttoned his shirt, still it didn't cool him down. He can't sleep. He felt like he's in hell. He drenched in sweat."Guuh...uh... I probably caught fever,". He kept tossing around until he's exhausted. "Nya?". "Did I just purred?". Satomi's vision became black as midnight passed.


@Jel_Official: I'm bored~ Wanna hang out together? @Rinu_dayo , @Root_nico , @Colon_56n @Sato_niya .

Jel made a tweet since he's feeling bored. He got nothing to do. And of course, he won't tag Nanamori as they didn't want to disturb him. Though he can see their tweets.

It didn't took a long time before he received replies from others.

@Rinu_dayo: Sure!
@Colon_56n: Fine by me.
@Root_nico: I.. I'll tag along too!

Jel then sent direct message for each of them include Satomi. "Well, I'm sure Sato-chan will love to join too. So, I better give the location although he didn't reply yet,".


Time: 2 hour later

"Sorry, I'm late!". *pant* Root ran once he spotted his members. "It's fine, Root-kun! Take your breaths first!". Riinu gently stroked his back. "Arigatou, Riinu-kun!!! By the way, you're early, Coro-chan!".

The mentioned name who's playing game looked at him, "What? It's that weird that I'm early?". "Coro-chan, don't be mad. Ruu-chan got point. You and Sato-chan are always late,". Jel backed up Root.

Colon made 'whatever' expression. "Speaking of Satomi-kun, did he come today?". Riinu asked them. "I don't really know, he didn't reply to my tweet. But, I still sent him our location,". Replied Jel.

"I-I see..." Root's feeling down before he continued, "I-I meant, it's fine if he didn't come,". Root shook his hands. Pfft... The rest were trying their best not to laugh since Root obviously showed his frustrated face.

"My my~ Look what we get here~ A frust fanboy~". Jel began to tease the younger yellowboy. Root's face turned beet red. "Fufufu~". "Ah.. ah... Jel-kun, I-I think it's better not to upset Ruu-chan too much,". Riinu stuttered while  scratched his cheek. "Please, Jel-kun... Before Ruu-chan turn on that mode,".

"Hn? What's wro-?! Arggh!!!!". Jel groaned in pain as Root smacked his back so hard. "Ruu-chan?!!! It's hurt you know?!". "Huh?". Root gave creepy smirk. His face darkened. "Shall I give you another smack? Jel-kun?".

"R-R-Ruu-chan?". Jel saw a flash of life in his eyes. ColoRiinu closed their eyes and started to pray. "Haraguro Root is scary!!!".


Time: A few dozens minutes later

"I can't believe that Jel-kun managed to survive Root-kun's smack,". Colon gently tapped on the taller's arm. "Well done, Jel-kun!". "Well done my ass! It's so hurt like hell!". "And you, Riinu! You should tried to stop your partner!". Jel pointed to redboy.

"Hii?!". Tears began to form in his heterochromatic eyes. "You shouldn't blame on Riinu-kun! He already warned you!". Colon backed up Riinu. "Coro-chan...". Riinu felt touched.

"Geez... I didn't hit that hard, Jel-kun. You're too exaggerating!". The culprit gave a comment. "What you say?!". "Huh? Do you have any problem, Jel-kun?". Root widened his darkened sun coloured eyes. "Forgive me!".

"We're here. Satomi-kun's house,". Said Colon as well ended the fight between JelRoot. "Wait a minute!". Riinu stopped them from taking a step forward.

"What's wrong, Riinu-kun?". "Aren't you guys notice something off?". "?".
"The gate...". Riinu pointed to the gate. "It's open!".

"?!". They exchanged looks. One thing for sure, they're thinking the same thing. "Perhaps, something bad had happened to Satomi-kun?!". They knew that Satomi isn't careless to leave the gate open.

*Gulp* Colon mustered his courage and twisted the doorknob. "It-it-it's un-unlocked!". "Sorry for the intrusion... Satomi-kun?". The door opened only to reveal a messy room.



(A/N): What do you think? I'm sorry if it's getting boring.

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now