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Place: Satomi's Bedroom

Knock!Knock! Nanamori gently knocked the door, "Sato-chan? Are you there?". "...". He received no response from the older. "Uhh... Satomi-kun? I'll come in okay?". He slowly opened the door.

The room was in dark. There's no sunlight since it got blocked by curtains. However, Nanamori could clearly see a figure sat in the middle of the room.

Nanamori only can saw his back but he's 100% sure that the figure was belong to their oldest member. "Satomi-kun?". Nanamori called out for the pinkette.

The pinkette turned around in response of his name being called. But, there's something off about him.

His amethyst eyes glowed so bright in the dark. He gave a gaze sharper than usual. There's hatred and distrust in that gaze. As if he's encountering an enemy.

"Satomi-kun?". Nanamori slowly took a step closer. The person in mention flinched. "What's that?". Nanamori noticed something weird.

He swore that there's something moved around Satomi. "No... It's something else,". Nanamori also realized that everytime he walked towards Satomi, the pinkette will took a step back.

And... he didn't speak a word since Nanamori entered the room. All he did was staring at him and being wary of him. "What's wrong with Satomi-kun? It's look like.. There's no way, right?". Nanamori shoved away the thoughts.

*Gulp* Nanamori switched on the light. Klack! Satomi covered his eyes with his sleeves. He hissed in angry. But, there's something else that caught the purplette's attention. His dark purple eyes fixed at certain areas.

He wished that his eyes didn't fooled him. He even rubbed his eyes to make sure that he's fully awake. There's nothing odd about the pinkette except... he had a pair of fluffy pink cat ears and a long slender matching colour tail.

"Sato-chan? Are you turning to cat?". "No... he's not fully transformed into cat... So, the correct term for him is..."
"Are you perhaps... half human half cat?". Satomi gave response as if he understood it, "Nya!". "?!".


Time: Present

"You guys should inform me earlier!". Scolded Nanamori to his four members. "Yes... We're sorry!". The four of them were sitting on the floor with their knees being bent and fold to back.

At the first glance, people will see them as a mother lecture her children. But, the reality was a leader scolded his members. Though, it's actually not wrong to consider Nanamori as a mother.

*sigh* "You guys...". Nanamori put both of his hands on his hip, like a typical Asian moms when they got angry. He then rubbed his temple.

"That's why, we shouldn't inform Naa-kun!". Jel repeated his earlier statement. "Jel-kun!". Colon quickly covered Jel's mouth. "Mmh?! Mmph!".

"So... how long since you guys came here?". "Umm.. around 2 hours?". Root carefully chose his words. "Hah?! 2 hours!". Nanamori widened his eyes.

"We're SORRY! Please forgive us, Mamamori!". "Did you just called me Ma- nevermind,". Nanamori continued, "I'm not really mad. It's just.. I'M SO FRUSTRATED!!!".


He said in exasperate mix happy tone. Nanamori wiped his tear of happiness. You can even see he's surrounded with sparkles of light. "I'm happy that I obey Sato-chan...". *mumble* "Though I'm a little envy of him~". He shook his head, "Dame dame! I can't think like that! You should be grateful!".

Nanamori clasped his hands and closed his eyes. He then started to thank the god, "Kamisama, thank you for the gift. I'll do my best to be a good person!".

"Naa-kun?". Nanamori snapped back to reality. "Yes?". "Sorry to disturb your prayer, but I don't think you'll think so after this,". Riinu laughed nervously. "Yeah... Riinu-kun is right! Besides, we probably won't able to help you,". Jel stated his agreement.

"Why?". "You'll see,". Said Colon. Root grabbed his hand, "Let's meet him, all of us!".


Place: Satomi's Bedroom

"What's with this situation?". Nanamori could felt beads of sweats formed on his cheek. The atmosphere between them was intense. Everyone wore various expression. But, little did he knew that they're kinda stressful.

He could tell that Riinu's sad while Root... umm... sparkled. As for Colon, he seemed not really care about the situation while Jel looked guilty.

Whereas the pinkette... Satomi glared at them and hissed, "Shaa!". He put his guard on. He raised both of his hands, as if he's ready to attack them.

Nanamori slightly titled his head in confusion. "Naa-kun... as you can see, Satomi-kun hate us,".


(A/N): I'll tried to finish a chapter and will publish it tonight. So, stay tune~☆

I think my writing style became so weird...

「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan WorldWhere stories live. Discover now