To the Next World

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I stand there in shock, being astonished by their presence. Even though I partially expected for them to make an appearance sooner or later, their arrival still surprises me. "My dear, I believe you dropped these," Hisoka says, holding out my celestial spirit keys.

I take my keys as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. "T-Thank you so much...!" I exclaim, holding my celestial spirit keys close to my chest. Hisoka's face softens as a warm smile appears on his face.

"Next time, be more careful," he murmurs, standing protectively in front of me. "After all, they were very worried about you." My eyes widen in shock as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. Does this mean he knows about my celestial spirits?

"What do you mean by that?"

"You have some strange friends," Hisoka states. "A man that looks like a cross, a girl with wings and a harp, and a penguin with a compass on its head." I shift nervously, realizing that Crux, Lyra, and Pyxis paid him a visit. Did they know something was wrong? How much did they tell him?

Before I can question him even further, Feitan rushes towards us with his sword raised. An intense energy surrounds Hisoka as he slowly approaches the terrifying, black-haired male. The jester casually ducks under Feitan's attack, kicking him in the stomach.

"You spiders should pick your battles more carefully," Hisoka says with a sadistic smirk. "Don't worry, you'll soon be tangled up in my web." Nobunaga clenches his fists in rage, sprinting in our direction. Machi follows behind him, summoning her threads.

Illumi takes out some needles and hurries at Nobunaga and Machi. He swings his arms at them, barely missing them with his needles. "So, it seems that you can dodge my needles," Illumi acknowledges.

"You coward!" Phinks yells angrily, clenching his fists in rage. His aura starts to increase as he starts to rotate his arm in a clockwise direction. Franklin and Bonolenov stand in front of Shizuku, having serious looks on their faces. Feitan eyes them carefully, getting into a fighting stance.

I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, knowing that I have to distance myself from this fight. I slowly back away, heading straight to one of the corners. I lean against the wall, refocusing on the fight.

Hisoka sends Phinks and Feitan across the main room. "That's enough," Chrollo declares in a surprisingly calm tone. "Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, I want you to go face them in close combat. Machi, try to restrain them. Kalluto, Bonolenov, Franklin, use your abilities to fire at them from a distance. Shizuku, I want you to suck out their blood."

My eyes widen in horror. I'm unsure what will happen next, but I need to stop this fight no matter what. I grab the bracelet, trying to yank it off of my wrist. I guess I have no choice then, I think to myself.

"Taurus: star dress!" I state as the power of the golden bull forms deep within me. My hair is pulled back into two buns with some hair coming down the front. My shirt is replaced with a bra and sleeves that have a cow pattern on them. A pair of brown gloves and boots appear along with pants that reveal my entire right leg. I look like this:

 I look like this:

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