Imperial Arms and My Quest

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By the time we get to the Revolutionary Army headquarters, pure excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. The building was extremely big, with plenty of windows inside. Along with that, it sits alone in the middle of the plains, which is an area that's in the middle of nowhere with mountains surrounding it.

Najenda, who stands in the front, turns to face us. "You're about to enter the Revolutionary Army's headquarters," she informs, having a strangely serious expression on her face. "Not only will it allow for you to fight the corrupt government of the Empire, but this'll give you the chance to improve on your current abilities and become even stronger. Now, follow me."

She leads us into the building, as we follow her through a long hallway. After a few minutes of walking, she heads down a staircase, which leads to another corridor. A few minutes later, she stops at a room and opens it.

The moment we step into the room, weapons and different types of tools catch my eye. I glance around the room in complete amazement, as a smile forms on my face. "The objects in this room are known as Imperial Arms," Najenda explains. "Many years ago, the first king created them in fear that the empire would fall. In order to prevent this, he gathered many materials and hired many scientists to make weapons of offense and defense. There were originally 48 weapons made, but the majority of them were lost in a civil war five centuries ago."

"That's amazing!" I say excitedly. "What are your...?" My voice trails off, as I glance around the room. Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo were nowhere to be seen. I anxiously glance around, as panic forms in the pit of my stomach.

"If you're looking for the three males that came with you, then I'm pretty sure they found the entrance to three of the most powerful imperial arms in our possession," Najenda states. "All in all, I'm fairly impressed. I've never seen anyone who has found even one of those, nevertheless three. Your friends are very powerful individuals indeed."

All of a sudden, my phone starts to go off, which makes me jump in surprise. I immediately grab it and look at the caller ID. It says: Anna. I look at it with wide eyes, as a smile curves around my lips. I quickly answer the device, as Anna's voice echoes through the phone.

"Hey, Lucy. I'm just checking up on you."

"It's nice to hear from you again," I say cheerfully. If anything, I'm happy that she put a spell on my phone, which allows us to call each from any world we're in. I shift nervously, before glancing at Najenda through the corners of my eyes. She wears a puzzled look on her face, as she intently stares at my phone.

"So, Lucy, what world are you in right now?"

"To be honest, I'm not completely sure," I admit, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. "I just arrived here not too long ago. There are special weapons called Imperial Arms, and there's also a group of assassins known as Night Raid."

Anna becomes silent for a moment. "Imperial Arms, huh..." She murmurs, being deep in thought. "I remember that world. It contains mysterious and powerful relics that are extremely rare. Many years ago, I travelled to that world. I soon found out about the weapons known as Imperial Arms. Because of that, I became curious and began to research them, until one of them caught my attention."

"What was it?"

"It's the Imperial Arm Autolycus," she states, as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. "This is one of the most powerful ones out there and grants the user control over the sun, moon, and stars. I wanted to achieve that power, but I didn't have a good connection with the Imperial Arm. Perhaps, you'll have better luck than me, so if you want, I can send you the map to retrieve it."

"Wait, really!? Yes please!"

"Alright. Stay safe, and I'll see you later."

After she utters those words, Anna hangs up and then forwards me the location of the Imperial Arm Autolycus. Once I glance at it, my phone rings, as another text message comes from Anna. It says:

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