Yorknew City

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Anna and I soon arrived in Yorknew City. I never imagined a place being larger than Crocus, the capital city of Fiore. When I turn to Anna, she cautiously examines people on the street.

"So, what now?"

Her head snaps in my direction. "Lucy, you mustn't be distracted by the auctioneers of this city," she warns. "If that happens, they will talk you into wasting your money on a horrible item."

I frown. "I understand..."

"As for now, our priority should be finding a good hotel room to live in for the next few days," Anna states. We roam the city as I glance around at all of the artifacts. While each place has amazing goods such as jewelry, silk, instruments, books, clothing, and shoes, I continue to follow Anna and listen to her advice.

In a matter of seconds, we find a hotel and make our way inside. The hotel was rather empty, having one person reading in the lounge area while a lady stands in line, waiting for her room key.

The lady gets her room key from the clerk, walking towards the elevator. "Next!" The clerk exclaims as Anna walks towards her. "What type of room do you want?"

"We want a normal room with two beds," Anna states. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, wondering how nice the room would be if we showed her our hunter's licenses. It would most likely be a first class penthouse with multiple rooms, a fancy kitchen, and an amazing bathroom.

"Okay!" The clerk says, nodding in our direction. "How many nights do you plan on staying here?" I glance at Anna as she purses her lips, being deep in thought.

"I would estimate four to ten days."

The clerk studies us. "I'm afraid that isn't our policy," she says sharply. "You have to know exactly how long you will be staying." I reach in my pocket, being prepared to take out my hunter's license.

Anna, as if reading my mind, clears her throat and narrows her eyes at her. "We aren't sure how long we will be staying here," she points out. "However, if you need a rough estimate, I would say a week." The clerk nods, typing the information into her computer, lifting her head to stare at us.

"What payment method will you use?"

Anna sighs heavily, pulling out her hunter's license. The clerk's mouth hangs open, staring at us in complete and utter shock. "We don't want anything special," Anna acknowledges.

"A-Are you sure...?"

Anna nods. "Yes."

The clerk puts Anna's license into the system before handing us the key. "Thank you!" I exclaim as the clerk nods in our direction. Anna takes the key and her license before we head to our room.

As we enter our room, I glance around as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. The hotel room has a bathroom near the entrance and two beds with a television right across the room.

"This room looks so cool!" I say cheerfully. Anna nods, setting her suitcase down next to the nearest bed. I place my suitcase by the other bed as a smile appears on my face.

"Alright, let's search for your friends," Anna says as I grin excitedly, following her outside the hotel. "We will meet here in three hours. Use your fifth sage to contact me if anything comes up."

I nod. "Okay, how will you be able to contact me?" I ask as she furrows her eyebrows. "I cannot hold my mind sage out for an extended amount of time. I'm incapable of putting that much strain on my mind quite yet."

Anna frowns. "I understand," she states bitterly. "I guess we have no choice then. We have to buy you a phone." I sigh heavily, following her to a store. I stand besides Anna as she carefully examines the devices. She takes one, giving the salesman the money and handing the phone to me.

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