Captured by the Phantom Troupe

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The next day, Anna and I are eating our lunch in a restaurant. I munch on a cheeseburger, glancing out the window. My eyes widen in shock, as a boy with white hair and another one with greenish black hair jump from house to house.

"Anna," I say in alarm as she adverts her attention out the window, seeing the two boys. "I know them from the hunter's exam." She studies me, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration.

"Hmmm... they're being followed."

"What!?" I shriek, noticing a male and female trailing the two boys. "Anna, we need to help them! They're friends of mine, and I don't want anything bad to happen to them!"

Anna sighs, slamming some money on the table. "Okay, let's go!" She states as we hurry out of the restaurant. "Lucy, we need to hide our presence!" I nod in agreement before using Zetsu to conceal my aura.

We chase after the male and female until Anna holds out her arm, beckoning me to stop. I frown, watching the two figures head into two, different buildings. "Sage five: mind," I murmur softly as my eyes turn dark blue.

Anna, I'm going to get captured to protect them, I inform Anna. Anna furrows her eyebrows in concentration, having a nervous yet serious look on her face before she nods.

"Sage four: permeation." My eyes change into an emerald green. I hurry towards the house on the right before phasing right through the wall. A short haired woman and a pink haired female stare at me in shock as I notice Gon standing in the center of the room. "Lucy!" He says excitedly.

"It's nice to see you again, Gon."

The two females eye me cautiously as the short haired woman gets a call. Gon takes a step in my direction before the pink haired female races towards him and places her hands on his shoulders. "It's no use," she states. "Don't try anything."

"Yes. Understood. On our way." The short haired woman puts away her phone before staring at us. "That friend of yours surrendered quickly." My eyes widen in shock as I clench my fists, being concerned about the safety of the two boys.

"Sage five: mind," I mutter as my eyes turn dark blue. I slowly make my way towards them as the two females narrow their eyes at me. I cross my arms, knowing it would be stupid to fight back.

"Pakunoda, what are your thoughts?"

"I won't fight back," I state as the females eye me cautiously. "I won't run either. I'm here to ensure the safety of those two boys, and if you really want to capture them, then take me as well." The pink haired female glances at Pakunoda before the she walks towards towards me, grabbing my arm and dragging me to a car.

A few minutes have passed since Gon, Killua, and I were shoved into the car. Pakunoda and a dirty blonde haired man sits next to the two boys. The pink haired female stays at my side while another male drives us to their hideout.

"Hey, Lucy!" Gon exclaims. "During the hunter exam, your eyes were brown. Why are they blue now?" Sweat pours down my forehead as I shift uncomfortably, hoping the three spiders weren't suspicious of me.

"When I learned Nen, it changed my eye color," I explain halfheartedly. If the spiders knew about my Nen abilities, then they would force me to deactivate it.

Killua studies me. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"After I took the hunter exam, a family member immediately started training me in the art of Nen," I state, giving them another half truth. "We decided to come to Yorknew City on a vacation because I haven't explored that much."

"I'll ask you again," Pakunoda says sharply, interrupting our conversation as she places her hand on Gon's shoulder. "Do you know the chain user?" Chills race down my spinal cord as my eyes widen. This was a terrible idea, I think to myself. I frown, thinking about how Kurapika used his chains to capture the enormous man and how he met up with Hisoka soon afterwards.

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