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We finally reach the training site as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. After spending five days on a train, I cannot wait to improve my abilities and become stronger. I stare at the building in front of me, examining its wonderful features.

"While this place may seem small, it contains a lot of amazing attributes about it," Anna explains. "On the outside, it looks like any old cabin. But, when you take a look inside, the cabin has many training facilities."

I stare at her in shock. "Really?"

Anna nods. "Of course!" She says cheerfully. "Now, go and unpack your stuff. After that, meet me in the backyard." I nod, hurrying to my room. I take out my belongings and place my stuff into the room. I smile, heading back downstairs.

I rush outside, noticing Anna sitting by a fire and sipping on some hot chocolate. "Okay, I'm here!" I say excitedly as she studies me. The woman takes another sip of her hot chocolate, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration.

"Sit down." Anna pats the spot next to her as I take a seat. "To start off with, I'll be informing you about Nen." My eyes light up as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. Anna sighs heavily, tightly holding her mug in her hand.

"So, what is Nen?"

"Nen is a technique of this world that hunters use to manipulate their own aura," Anna explains. "Aura is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from the body flows together and creates one mass of energy."


"In this world, Nen is considered the main power source," she continues. "Such as our world relying on magic energy, only this world's elite know about Nen and aura. If you want to become a true hunter, then you will have to know Nen."

I sigh heavily, crossing my arms as I study her. "What needs to be done?" I ask sternly, being prepared for anything. "I will do whatever it takes to help you complete our mission." Anna frowns, eyeing me carefully.

"Lucy, in a normal situation, a student learning Nen trains to manually open and close their aura nodes so that they can control the flow of their aura," she states. "One typically learns this process slowly and gradually through mediation."

I frown. "But...?"

"I'm afraid we don't have that type of time," Anna says sharply. "There is a second method known as Initiation. This can be achieved by forcing the aura nodes to open via an influx of aura. This method isn't commonly used due to the danger it poses to the student if the user is inexperienced or has malicious intent. Since I'm a very experienced hunter and you're apart of the Heartfilia clan, there's a higher chance of success."

I nod. "Okay!"

"Stand up and face away from me," she commands. I obey as Anna hovers her hands over my back. A warm sensation spreads across my being as pain explodes throughout my entire body. I scream in agony as a white light surrounds me.

I hold up my hands to see the light, staring at it in awe. "What just happened?" I ask in shock, adverting my gaze in Anna's direction. She narrows her eyes at me, having a serious yet impressed look on her face.

"I unlocked your Nen," Anna states. "Now, you must concentrate on keeping your aura inside your body." I close my eyes, keeping my hands by my side as I focus on forcing my aura back into my body.

My eyes flutter open as Anna stands in front of me. "That was quite impressive, Lucy," she says. "I probably should have informed you about the properties of Nen beforehand though."

"Yeah, probably."

Anna chuckles to herself before informing me about the ten properties of Nen. My eyes widen in shock as I smile excitedly. The different properties of Nen are Ten, Zetsu, Ren, Gyo, In, En, Shu, Ko, Ken, and Ryu. Even though remembering it won't be easy, I know it shouldn't be too difficult. 

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