Changing Hideouts

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A soft wind blows against my hair, as I stand across from Leone, who is in her beast form. "Are you ready!?" She declares, punching her hand. "I'm the best hand to hand combat fighter in Night Raid! Brace yourself!"

I tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear and narrow my eyes at her, before getting into a fighting stance. "You're on!" I state, before racing at her with a newfound speed. Leone's eyes flash dangerously, as I transform my arm into a weapon and swing it in her direction. She ducks around my attack, before aiming a punch at my side.

I pivot to the right and barely avoid her attack, before kicking off her chest and landing a few feet away from her. "Not bad!" Leone exclaims, as an arrogant grin curves around her lips. "I'm going to get serious now! Try to keep up!"

I arch a brow, as she leaps towards me. She aims a punch in my direction, just as I roll to the side and avoid her attack. I raise my hands, as my body begins to glow. Leone covers her eyes, as I clench my fists. Celestial-like vines come from the ground and trap her arms and legs.

"W-What the hell...?"

"You know, Leone, over these past few weeks of training, I started to experiment with Autolycus," I note, feeling her curious gaze. "I learned that when it comes to my imperial arm, the power it holds is all dependent on the user." I snap my fingers, as the celestial-like vines vanish into thin air. "If the individual has a creative mind and desire to improve, then they can become one of the strongest imperial arms' user in the world." I purse my lips in concentration. "If I recall correctly, Tatsumi mentioned a woman named Esdeath being the strongest imperial arm user in the world."

Leone scrunches her brow. "Yeah..." She hums, before sitting on the ground. "When she returned to the capital, I was sent to potentially take her out. Even from my hiding spot, I knew that I couldn't take her. Esdeath's presence itself was terrifying."

"I see..." I say softly, before sitting down across from her. "I don't doubt that she's exceptional and has a lot of experience." I run a hand through my hair. "I know Tatsumi mentioned that her imperial arm is similar to mine. What is her imperial arm?"

"Her imperial arm is known as Demon's Extract," Leone responds, before meeting her gaze. "With that imperial arm, she has the ability to control ice." I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, as Leone pulls one of her knees up to her chest.

Before I could say anything, a rustling comes from the forest. We simultaneously stand up, just as Akame jumps out of a bush and stands before us. "Leone, Lucy, the boss just called an emergency meeting," she states, instantly capturing our attention. "We need to get back to base. I just let the others know, so let's head that way."

"Hmmm. I wonder what this is about!"

I scrunch my brows in concern. "I hope nothing happened..."

"Apparently, some new danger beasts are causing a lot of trouble in the imperial capital, but before we can take care of them, we're relocating to our new hideout," murmurs Akame, who intently stares at us. My eyes widen in surprise, as I exchange a look with Leone. Although I knew there was a chance our current resident wouldn't be permanent, I never imagined that we would have to leave so soon.

Leone punches her hand. "Oooh! How exciting!" She declares. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, wondering how dangerous these new monsters were. If we're going to help get rid of them, then they must be causing a lot of problems for people in general.

We soon return to the base and step inside, where Najenda is patiently waiting for us inside the living room. "Welcome back," she says sharply, before lighting a cigarette and placing it into her mouth. "Like I told the others, pack your stuff and get ready to leave."

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