The bathroom was, like, really dark. Even after I pulled back the curtain from the window and let the moon do its thing, I could barely see my own feet. I did my business and washed my hands of course. As I dried my hands I stared through the window at the next house. It looked almost exactly like Rosa's house. The most noticeable difference was the color of the house, it being light blue while Rosa's house was [COLOR], but what intrigued me was the extra window on the second floor.
Not to sound creepy, but I squinted at that extra window. It seemed much darker than the rest of the windows. Sure, the lights were off in the whole house and every window was dark, but I wasn't thinking too hard about that. After standing there for half a minute with dry hands I realized I was being creepy, so I opened the window to let in some fresh air and stepped out of the room.
This isn't meant as a jab at any of you, you all seem super nice... except maybe Rosa. She's pretty scary. But I didn't feel like going downstairs and dealing with the situation just yet, so I snooped around upstairs for a bit. I went into a couple of rooms but didn't find anything too noteworthy aside from the gun in Rosa's parents' room and a jar of dead frogs in her sister's room. That's until I went into Rosa's room...
Bro paused dramatically.
"You just... you could've just stayed in the bathroom, but you decided to be a little shit and rummage around my house?" Rosa narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip around her glass.
"Yeah, pretty much, but save your judgement for the end," said Bro.
The door squeaked as I entered. The first thing I noticed about the room was its cool temperature. The next thing was the door slamming shut when I stepped inside. I yelped, fell forward onto my hands then turned around, but there was nothing there. I believe my heart would've exploded had I not realized the window was wide open as soon as I did. Of course, the wind is a certified master prankster so it does things like this from time to time.
I assumed you'd be sleeping in her room later, so wanting to be nice and do you a favor, I closed the window. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and almost jumped out of my skin. It was [Y/N].
"What? No it wasn't?" you said.
"I knew it, she's a filthy liar! [Y/N], squish her 'til her body's been turned into a fine paste!" Rosa yelled.
"That's a bit extreme, isn't it?" your other in butted in.
"Shh, everyone, I know. I'll get to that. Stop interrupting," Bro crossed her arms.
... at least, I assumed it was you.
"Hey, you were taking a while so I came to look for you. You okay?" [Y/N] smiled.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for worrying about me," I tucked some hair behind my ear.
"We're getting ready to burn the clone in the yard. Do you like smores?"
"I don't know, I've never tasted one," I looked down, smiling. "Wait-" I looked at the closed door, then at [Y/N]. "You didn't come through the door. Like, I would've heard you."
She stared at me blankly, her warm smile never fading.
"I mean, I'm just curious as to how you got in. If you did actually come through the door, that's some great stealth," I looked at her hands as I fiddled with my middle and index fingers.
She kept staring, unblinking and unmoving. I scratched the back of my hand and leaned against the windowsill. "Haha, you're sort of, like, starting to creep me out, [Y/N]."
"Oh, sorry," [Y/N] scratched the back of her neck. "Anyway, Leslie and Rosa want us to go get some soft drinks at the gas station while they get everything else ready."
"Okay, I guess that's like, reasonable."
We stood still and stared at each other for a moment. I don't think she ever blinked during that whole conversation.
"Lead the way," I shrugged.
"Right!" she spun around. The door gave a small squeak as she pushed it open. "After you."
I could hear talking in the living room, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. [Y/N] slid her fingers between mine and lead me to through the house.
"Why are we going out the backdoor?" I asked as she opened said door.
"We don't want to get in the way. Rosa's not in the best mood."
"Oh, okay," we went around the house and onto the street. We walked for a while, staring up at the night sky in silence, but something kept bothering me.
"Hey, [Y/N]?"
"Hm?" she just barely glanced at me.
"You haven't been levitating this whole time. What's up with that?"
She kept quiet and kept walking. I slowly came to a halt, but she kept creating a distance between us.
"... if you're really [Y/N], prove it."
She stood still, then turned around revealing a sneer. "Took you long enough to figure me out. I thought I'd have to drag you most of the way, but I guess you've done the job yourself."

I Can't Even [Reader X Reader X Reader]
Mystery / ThrillerStarted writing this as a joke, got way too into it. Here's the deal: You thought you were going to have a nice sleepover with your two gal pals, but you thought WRONG. Everything goes south when another of you appears. She warns you of another you...