Y'all rode around the neighborhood on Leslie's cool new motorcycle, except for Dude who teleported from roof to roof. Leslie was front, and behind her was Rosa. You were riding shotgun in the sidecar.
"Hey Rosa?" you spoke.
"Don't you find it strange that we're the only ones out tonight?" you asked.
Rosa knitted her brows. "Why's that weird?"
"Sure, some people might be asleep," you said, "but there should be at least one other group of deviant teens roaming the streets. So far I've only seen Dude, Bro and the gas station attendant."
"Hm... yeah, on a Saturday night you'd expect a few people to be out and about. Are you sure you didn't see anyone hanging around the gas station?"
"I'm pretty sure."
"Maybe everyone's at a big important party that we weren't invited to or something. That's convenient for us, since there's no one to bother us on this mission."
"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't worry about it," you smiled.
"Uh, guys?" Leslie stopped the vehicle when the gas station came into view and a foul stench hit your nose. The scent was like a sickly sweet egg fart. The gas station's walls were coated in something oddly red and puffy.
"Is that..?" Leslie removed her helmet and peered into the distance. "Is that meat?"
Dude teleported to your side and gripped your shoulder. Her warm, shaky breaths hit your ear. "We need to leave."
Leslie overheard her words and got the memo, put her helmet back on and turned the bike around. Dude teleported out of our sight and remained unseen for the rest of the trip. The ride back to Rosa's house was silent, but when you pulled into the driveway Rosa spoke up.
"Dude knows something, and she's definitely trying to hide it. I should've killed her the moment I saw her, now where the fuck is she?"
Leslie took her helmet off, revealing a mild scowl. "Let's talk inside."
Rosa huffed and fished out her keys. You stepped into the house once more and Dude appeared in front of you.
"I've pulled the blinds down and covered every window," she said.
"What the hell is going on?!" Rosa clenched her hands.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know she was here. It'd be best if we hid," she said.
"You're not answering. What's going on?" Rosa demanded.
"I'll tell you everything, but first: do you have a basement?" Dude asked.
The basement wasn't creepy at all, even though the power was out and you could barely see. Rosa's dad had turned it into his 'man cave'. It had a big flat screen TV, a pool table, and an ungodly amount of beer cans stuffed into the glass-door refrigerator. Leslie reached in for a can and squinted at the label. "Liquid Fatherland Pale Ale?"
"Yeah, it's my pop's favorite," Rosa kept rummaging through one of the cabinets. "Aha!" she illuminated her satisfied face with the flashlight she'd pulled out. "[Y/N], could you hold this to the ceiling?"
"Sure," the flashlight floated upwards, its light giving the room a cozier feel.
"Well?" Rosa took a seat on the sofa and looked at Dude, who stood awkwardly at the top of the basement stairs. Dude teleported to the other side of the sofa, a comfortable distance between the two.
Dude sighed. "That was meat you saw covering the walls of the gas station."
"Called it!" Leslie opened a can and started pouring herself a glass.
"Hey! My dad will kill me if he finds out you drank one of his beers!" Rosa yelled.
"What's the big deal? It's not like he'll notice if one of the cans disappear!" Leslie rolled her eyes and finished pouring.
"Right now is a horrible time to get drunk," Dude teleported the can and glass to the pool table. Leslie groaned.
"Thank you, now, you were saying?" Rosa asked.
She hugged her knees to her chest and stared silently at the floor.
"... well?" Rosa tapped her fingers impatiently.
"I... I knew another doppelganger once who could turn people into monsters," a moment of silence went by as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "I only saw her use this ability once, but it's obvious that what we saw back there was her doing."
"So you're saying someone turned the gas station into a giant meatball?" Leslie raised an eyebrow.
"Wha- no! I mean, yeah, but it's more complicated than that! Someone inside the gas station was, and probably still is, turning into a monster," Dude explained.
"Wait, but why are the walls of the gas station meaty if it's just someone on the inside transfor-" Dude teleported on top of Rosa and slapped her hand over her mouth, then shushed her.
"Everyone stay quiet!" she half-whispered.
"Mm mmph!" Rosa tried to push her off, to no avail.
The flashlight flickered ever so slightly.
You all stayed still. The flashlight kept flickering.
Leslie yawned. "Should we change the batteries or are we just gonna-"
You shushed her, making her frown in confusion. You pointed at the glass of beer on the pool table. Every two seconds or so, small circular waves appeared on the beer's surface. You all stared at the glass, except for Rosa who was trapped under Dude and super confused. Over the span of a minute, the waves got much bigger. Every time a wave formed you could hear something thumping on the surface above you.
The flashlight flickered more dramatically before turning off completely. You stood in complete darkness, listening to the thumps get louder and louder. At a point you could physically feel the ground shaking.
The noise slowly faded and the flashlight turned back on. When you were sure the thing was gone, Dude spoke.
"The gas station became a part of the person's body, so the monster is very large."
"Oh," you said.

I Can't Even [Reader X Reader X Reader]
Misterio / SuspensoStarted writing this as a joke, got way too into it. Here's the deal: You thought you were going to have a nice sleepover with your two gal pals, but you thought WRONG. Everything goes south when another of you appears. She warns you of another you...