!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!I recommend stopping here for now.
I changed the plot a bit, so this chapter doesn't follow up on what happened in the first one. Lol.
Just wait until I update again.
[If you got a notification saying I updated, no I didn't.
You'll know I've updated if this !! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !! sign is gone.
I was just saving stuff.Why don't I just unpublish this chapter and work on it WITHOUT notifying you, you ask?
Mind your business, that's why.]
Rosa led you to the bathroom. The ringing was still there, but you could hear her.
"You've got so much blood in your hair. A lot on your shirt, too," she placed clean clothes next to the sink, which she'd picked from her own closet. Then she left to clean up the mess she made. You'd taken a shower at her place before, so she didn't need to show you how it worked.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you brought up a hand-held one to check the back of your head. There was blood running down your back. At least you didn't get much on your face.
You dried off after your long, steamy shower. Felt really relaxing after what you'd just been through.
Rosa's clothes were in the same colors as her room. A pink t-shirt with 'sugar mommy ' in big rhinestone letters, a long black skirt and fuzzy socks. Great outfit, 10/10.
You flipped yourself off in the mirror, then got the fuck out.
The corpse was the first thing you saw as you stepped into the doorway, laying on a large silver tray surrounded by black and lime green candles. Lovely.
The girls had been on their phones, but looked up as you entered.
Leslie stared at your chest for a second, then snorted. "Sugar mommy???"
"Ignore her. Anyway," Rosa put her phone down, opening her laptop instead. "Leslie says she can send the body to a nearby research facility... via magic."
"I said we could do it," Leslie corrected. "With the power of friendship and whatnot. Hence why we waited for you, [Y/N]."
"Cool," your eyes traveled over the creature's body. It had stopped glowing, now looking just like you, but dead. Your friends had the decency to cover its face with a white paper napkin. "What is that thing?"
"I believe the creature already told us," Rosa handed her laptop to Leslie. "A doppelgänger."
"Oh. Yeah. That makes sense... Wait, doppelgängers can travel through devices?"
Rosa shrugged. "That's why we're sending it to a research facility. If it was just a normal doppelgänger, we could just like... sell its organs or something."
"Or eat it!" Leslie chimed.
Rosa scrunched her nose. "Ew. No."
"Alright," Leslie turned the screen so everyone could see. It was some crappy-looking corporate website. "We're using their official spell!"
You glanced over the thing. "It just had to be in Latin, huh?"
Leslie shrugged. "I think they mostly focus on demonic research, or something," Leslie pointed out the facility's name. 'Fire & Brimstone Research Institute'. What a lame name.

I Can't Even [Reader X Reader X Reader]
Mystery / ThrillerStarted writing this as a joke, got way too into it. Here's the deal: You thought you were going to have a nice sleepover with your two gal pals, but you thought WRONG. Everything goes south when another of you appears. She warns you of another you...