Then Dude suddenly fainted.
"Well, we tried" the demon pulled a dagger out of his mouth and threw it at Dude, but it stopped mid-air.
Everyone stared at you in disbelief.
"Don't tell me you want to burn her alive!" Rosa furrowed her brows judgementally.
"No! No of course not!" your hands shot up defensively. "I just don't want to kill her before we know why she was trying to harm me!"
The demon looked at the expensive Rolex watch on his wrist. "It's getting pretty late. I'm going back to hell. Laterz!" flames engulfed his body and burned him out of this realm.
"Bye" everyone said in unison, except Dude and of course Bro.
"Hey, where's that other clone?" Rosa asked.
"She's been in the bathroom for a while now" Leslie said.
"... you let it use my bathroom?" Rosa glared at Leslie.
Leslie shrugged in response.
"I should go check on her" you stood up from your warm spot on the couch, giving one last glance at Dude before disappearing up the stairs.
"We should probably try to stop the bleeding" Leslie commented as she checked on Dude's head.
"Do what you want?" Rosa got back on the computer.
Meanwhile you were knocking on the bathroom door.
"Hey, Bro, you okay in there?"
No answer.
You knocked again but there was no reaction.
"... I'm coming in!" you said before floating through the door.
The bathroom was of course dark due to the power outage, but it was also cold. No doubt due to the window being wide open.
You floated over to the window and stuck your head out. The bathroom was on the second story, right above the backyard.
"... fuck" you mumbled as you closed the window. Bro was nowhere to be seen.
You walked down the stairs, feeling a little lightheaded. How could she leave after everything you'd been through? Did none of it mean anything to her? No, no that couldn't be the case. She wouldn't have left on her own accord. Someone must have forced her to leave. But who would do that?
"Bro left" you entered the living room.
"Here," Rosa threw the gun your way which caught it with your mind.
"... how is this going to help me find her?" you tilted your head at her.
She was sitting in front of the computer while Leslie was pressing a sweater against Dude's head. The puddle of blood around it had stopped expanding. Rosa spun around in her chair and looked at you with an annoyed look in her eyes.
"It's not supposed to help you find her, dumbass" she crossed her arms.
"Thanks, but I'm not trying to murder anyone. Even if I was, I could just throw something at their head" you dropped the gun on the sofa.
You grabbed your jacket and were about to float through the window when she grabbed your arm.
"What?" you asked.
"It's too dangerous for you to go alone. Let's summon something to go with you" she pulled you back inside.
"Eh? But it wasn't too dangerous last time" you whined.
"Yeah, but back then you had the balls to actually use the gun I gave you" she pulled you down to the floor where you were all in an asymmetrical cyrcle. She began scribbling some letters with the marker.
"What are you summoning?" Leslie asked.
"A powerful demon assassin," Rosa stated.
You and Leslie watched as Rosa performed a summoning ritual. She began murmuring in a hushed voice, but the murmurs got louder and louder as she began banging her head against the symbols. Fires erupted from the symbols, screams began filling the air, and then everything went quiet.
You sat in silence and waited for something to happen.
"... did it work?" you asked.
"It should've!" Rosa grabbed the laptop and read the instructions two more times.
"Maybe we're just out of summoning juice," Leslie suggested.
"Impossible. I've been saving it up since June last year!" Rosa waved her suggestion away. "The instructions are just flawed. Let's try summoning something else," she opened another tab and began typing.
"Y'know, this clone thing is getting kind of exciting. Maybe we should just tag along?" Leslie shrugged.
"No way, it's cold outside," she found another summoning spell. "Plus, didn't you want to keep that one breathing?" she motioned at the clone.
"We could still just burn her," Leslie suggested.
"We're not doing that," Rosa scribbled some markings on the carpet.
"What? But you of all people should be all for that... Wait, don't tell me..." Leslie smiled. "You're just scared of going outside!"
"Don't try to peer pressure me, Leslie," Rosa rolled her eyes.
"So it's true then. You're scared" your other fried smirked as she leaned forward.
"I can just go alone" you butted in.
Leslie facepalmed. "[Y/N], remember why we were trying to summon something?"
"Because I don't need your gun?"
"Because you clearly have no experience in dealing with clones" she turned her attention back to the scribbles on the carpet.
"What? And you do?" you raised an eyebrow.
Rosa closed her laptop and gently slid it under the sofa. You cringed thinking of all the dust she was getting in the vents. "[Y/N], let me tell you a little story".

I Can't Even [Reader X Reader X Reader]
Misterio / SuspensoStarted writing this as a joke, got way too into it. Here's the deal: You thought you were going to have a nice sleepover with your two gal pals, but you thought WRONG. Everything goes south when another of you appears. She warns you of another you...