"People back home call me Bro."
Then you disappeared into the night, oblivious to the horrors that awaited you...
"Ok, bro," you said, moonlight illuminating your flushed face. It was flushed because it was cold, no other reason.
"It's Bro. With, like, a capital B," Bro explained.
Although you didn't say it out loud, Bro was a really weird name. You liked how it defied current gender norms, but still. Weird.
"Is there anything else I can call you?" you asked, too late to realize you were being rude.
"You can call me yours," Bro stroked your arm, sensually, and wiggled her eyebrows. You shivered from the cold, but also from some other feeling that you couldn't identify. It was sort of like a tingling sensation. Anyway, the jacket you were wearing wasn't doing its job very well.
Bro grew increasingly more uncomfortable the longer you didn't laugh, to the point where she retracted her arm. "Joking," she distanced herself from you and kept her eyes in front of her.
"Haha..." you politely but awkwardly faked a laugh in an attempt to make her feel better. It didn't help. The two of you walked in silence.
"So, who's trying to harm me?" you tried to force the awkwardness away with polite conversation.
"Oh, it's just, like, an evil version of you," she twirled a lock of her luscious sailor moon wig.
"I didn't know there was an evil version of me out there," you said.
"Yeah, a lot of people have evil versions of themselves. Most don't even know it," she said.
"Does that mean you're a good version of me?" you asked.
"Hah," she smiled at you. "Yeah, I guess I'm pretty great... wait-" she quickly turned around. "I'm starting to feel a bad vibe. Like, she's definitely close."
"Who is she?"
"Your evil clone, duh."
"No, I mean- does she have a name?"
"Ohohohoo!" an ominous laughter filled the air as a mysterious figure appeared on a nearby rooftop. You and Bro gasped as the figure backflipped off of the roof. She landed perfectly on her left leg, her right leg staying high in the air as she did a dramatic pose. "Greetings, peasants," she sneered.
"Dude..." Bro got in a fighting stance.
"Hello, Bro." she glared at Bro, but her features softened as her gaze shifted to you. "Hello, [Y/N]. I like your goth bear costume. It brings out those pretty eyes of yours," she winked at you with her identical pair of eyes. The smile on her lips resembled that of a predator. Like a lion smiling at a baby zebra. Who did she think she was?
"Thanks," you levitated higher, pointing at her with your big gun. Dude only smiled wider.
"Wipe that stupid grin off her face, [Y/N]! You got this!" Bro cheered you on.
"Tsk, how annoying," Dude rolled her eyes before teleporting in front of Bro and grabbing her neck. Bro thrashed around as Dude raised her off of the ground, choking her.
You didn't dare shoot. Too risky. Panicking, you telepathically threw the gun at her. A loud crack could be heard as the heavy gun hit the back of her head. Yikes.
Bro dropped to the ground, coughing. Dude dropped right next to her, dead.
"... well shit," you mumbled as you floated towards the corpse. You had just become a murderer. But had you though? It was in self defense. She was going to kill Bro. You shouldn't feel bad. Besides, you weren't a lawyer or anything but even you knew killing your doppelganger wasn't a crime. At least not most of the time... whatever, it wouldn't matter if you hid the body well.
"Bro, you okay?" you extended your hand to Bro, who was still somewhat in shock. Your eyes locked onto hers. Before her eyes had been wide in fear, but your beautiful face made her eyes soften, like butter on a pan. Even if it was also the face of her attacker... there was just something different about you. You weren't like any other. You were better.
"Yeah, like, I'm cool," she tucked a strand of wig behind her ear, then let you take her hand and help her up.
"What do you want to do with the body?" you asked. You gazed into her eyes and took both of her hands in yours. It would've been super romantic if you weren't basically the same person.
"I don't know, you choose," Bro averted her eyes from yours, a soft blush spreading across her face.
"You seem cold, so maybe we'll start by putting it on fire?" you suggested. You were actually the cold one, but wanted to seem selfless.
"Like, omg, you're so considerate!" said Bro.
You telepathically picked up both Bro and Dude's body and flew over to Rosa's house.
"Where are we?" Bro asked.
"You don't know where we are?" you raised an eyebrow.
"No? Should I?" Bro was confused.
"Why didn't she attack me then?" you mumbled to yourself.
"What?" Bro's confusion doubled.
"Dude came here earlier but didn't attack me. Instead she just stared at me through the window," you knocked on the door.
"Oh, I'm sure she had her reasons..." Bro averted her eyes from yours.
You squinted at her. You were about to interrogate her but Rosa interrupted when she opened the door.
"You have superpowers, why didn't you just come through the- oh," Rosa frowned at the sight of you, Bro and the body.
"Hey, Rosa, is it okay if I burn this body in your yard?" you asked.
"... What the actual fuck, [Y/N]?" Rosa asked.
"Is that a no?" you asked. Rosa motioned for you to come inside.
"No, of course you can burn it in my yard, but what the hell?! First of all, I never said you could bring anyone over. Second of all, why is that one still alive?" she pointed at Bro. "Nice outfit, by the way," she quickly added.
You fidgeted with the laces of your goth bear costume. You'd never worn such a brave outfit with your friends around. It felt nice to have her approval. Maybe you should start dressing up more. "She's still alive because she was trying to save me," you answered.
Rosa sighed. "Okay, whatever. We'll sort that out later, just follow me."
And you both followed her
But little did you know the horrors that awaited you...

I Can't Even [Reader X Reader X Reader]
Mystery / ThrillerStarted writing this as a joke, got way too into it. Here's the deal: You thought you were going to have a nice sleepover with your two gal pals, but you thought WRONG. Everything goes south when another of you appears. She warns you of another you...