TBS - All's Well That Ends Well

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You sighed, glancing at the clock. He said he'd be here right about now.

You were waiting in Mr. Futurelli's math class for your boyfriend, Thomas, to show up. He had texted you earlier about you needing to be there, as he needed to tell you something.

You glance at the clock. He probably isn't coming. The game starts in an hour - he needs to be there. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts your thoughts - and Mr. Futurelli's lecture on polynomials.

"Mr. Sangster, how interesting. I don't believe you are supposed to be here today?"

Thomas anxiously runs his hand through his hair. "Yes, sir, but Coach has asked me to inform (Y/n) about a last-minute change of plans concerning the basketball game."

Mr. F raises an eyebrow. "What can be so important that you felt the need to interrupt my class?"

He grins. "May I take her outside? Wouldn't want to disrupt this very riveting class on...polynomials."

The professor sighs, rubbing his forehead. "Very well. Ten minutes."

Thomas nods outside towards the door at you, and you stand, following him. Once he shuts the door, he pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly. "Hey, love."

You hug him back, grateful. "Hi. How was your day?"

"Somewhat boring, actually. I still can't kiss you randomly in the hallways.". He murmurs, pressing his lips against yours when he finishes speaking. Your arms go around his neck as you savor the moment. Many people had no clue you two were together - or had been for the last four months. You had decided to keep it quiet, simply for the sake of less drama. But of course, it could get irritating at times. You'd see couples in the hallways holding hands, and then realize that they all considered Thomas a friend of yours, rather than the incredible boyfriend he was.

He pulls back, and smiles. "About that change of plans. Remember how you quit the organizing group for this game?"

You nod, running your hand over his cheek as he spoke. "Well, they don't need you back - I just wanted to get you out of this class."

You laugh, and he grins sheepishly. "I got your stuff, though." He nods to he ground behind you, and sure enough, there lies your bag and your coat. You hug him tightly, and he runs his hands down your back, sighing lightly. "I miss you."

You smile. "We live together, Tommy."

He shrugs. "Yeah, but still. You and I...we haven't had much time together for ages. Me with this goddamn team, and you with the debate team. You know...you and me time." He pulls back, wiggling his eyebrows.

You pull him down, pressing your lips to his forehead. "Maybe after you win."

He grins. "Then I'll be sure to win, won't I?"

You pull back, tugging on your coat and bag. "I'll let him know that we're out of here, alright?"

"Hold up." He slips his hand into yours, lacing your fingers. "There. That's better."

"Are we actually..." You trail off, and he presses his lips to your cheek quickly.

"I would personally like to have the freedom of calling you mine in public, yeah. And, you know, it's four months. Half the school ships up together anyways." He grins, and you nod, walking the few steps to Mr. F's classroom and opening it.

"Sir, there's been a quick change of--" You get cut of by a low whistle from the back. Dylan.

"Yeah, Thomas! Get it!" Dylan raises his eyebrows suggestively, glancing at our hands.

You brush it off, and continue. "I need to go with them. One o fthe girls has decided to back out now. Can I get the lesson down tomorrow at lunch?"

Mr. Futurelli nods. "As long as it is all for the game, then very well, you shall go. Ms. (Y/l/n), Mr. Sangster, please be sure to get the lesson and... not something else." A few hoots go out from the back of the class, and you blush deeply.

Thomas steps forward, kissing your cheek. "No promises, Futurelli." He then turns to the class, grinning broadly. "We are gonna win this game, right?" Cheers erupt from the class as he pulls you out the door.

You glance at him. "No promises? Really?"

He grins at you, shrugging. "I didn't lie. But babe, we gotta take the car. I ditched the bus to pick you up."

You smile, blushing. "Why, such a gentleman."

He nods. "Right? Now let's get out of here."


Once you got home, Thomas grins at you, shutting the door. "Well, what do we have here?" He asks. "That's right, (Y/n), we have a winner."

You laugh. "Yeah, Tommy, you made a point of that the whole way home," you say.

Thomas grins at you, opening his arms. "What, no congratulations?" He says, tossing his gym bag to the side.

You walk into them, chuckling. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you pull away, smiling. "Congratulations, Thomas."

He smirks. "Hmm, that's it?" He murmurs, brushing his lips over your neck. "You know, I'm pretty sure we had an agreement, didn't we?"

You look up at him. "Well, now that you mention it..."

You grin. All's well that ends well.




Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now