tbs - late pt2

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The car ride home from the wedding was silent.  Thomas had one hand on the steering wheel, and the other was playing with his bottom lip.  I glance at him a couple times before sighing to myself quietly, pulling his hand from his lips with my own.

"What are you doing?"  He asks, glancing at me before turning back to the road, as the signal had turned green again. 

I don't answer.  Instead, I spread his fingers out with my own, pressing a kiss to each one individually.  I can feel him watching from the corner of his eye, so I take his index finger into my mouth, watching his eyes close for a moment as I pull away.  I lace my fingers with his, and then it's silent until we pull up to our apartment.

In fact, he's quiet and emotionless until we get to our floor.  That's when he makes the first move, lacing our fingers again.  It takes him a second to open our door but the moment we're inside, his lips are pressed against mine.  Not sweet like they usually are - but hungrier, more desperate. 

My eyes close and mouth open automatically, his hands pressing my hips against the door.  I bring my hands up to cup his jaw, kicking off my heels and hearing them land somewhere off near the coat rack.

It was obvious what both of our motives were right now.  It wasn't going to be sweet and slow - I wanted him, like, now.  Bringing my hands to his shoulders, I push off his blazer, and begin to work on the buttons of his shirt as he find the zipper of my dress.  Once he pulls it down, he pulls away slightly, pushing it off my body.

He peers at me, the only thing on my body being the panties.  "I was right," he says, "it does look better on the floor."

"Shut up," I manage to get myself to say before I press my lips against his, his hands pushing me up against the door as my legs wrapped around his waist.

His hands grab at my chest as his lips trail down my neck, my fingers finally undoing the last button of his shirt.  Pushing it off of his shoulders, he doesn't pull away, instead pressing his lips to my collarbone, sucking harshly before soothing the mark with his tongue.  I gasp, my fingers tightly wounded in his hair.  He shifts, moving his lips to right under my jaw, doing the same and leaving a mark.

"Tom," I breathe, "room.  Please."

He walks the short distance to our room, laying me unceremoniously onto the bed as he climbs over me, kissing me roughly again.  My fingers fumble with his belt before he tugs it off himself, throwing it off of the bed and unbuttoning his jeans.  "You looked so hot out there," he whispers harshly against my ear, my lips peppering kisses over his chest. 

"You've mentioned," I respond, kissing the hollow of his throat as he deals with his pants.

"Not just in the dress."  He hovers over me, tugging off my panties in one go.  He pumps himself twice before entering me without warning, causing me to cry out.  "But when you were a total mess right next to me because of what I could do to you?  That almost got me off."

"Fuck," I hiss.  "Keep talking."

His teeth graze over my earlobe.  "Say my name."

I gasp as he thrusts into me roughly.  "Oh my god, Thomas, god-"

I was already sensitive from what happened at the wedding, and his long, rough thrusts weren't doing any favors.  My eyes shut as he hits an angle, and I let out a moan of his name again as he groans.

"Fuck," he whispers.  "How do you always feel this good?  Always ready for me."

I blindly wrap my legs around him, and he runs his hand up my side before his thumb presses to my cheek.  "Open your eyes, baby."

I do as he says, and he thrusts again, slowing down.  His forearms press to the sides of my head, and he breathes slowly, long and hard thrusts keeping both of us on edge.

His forehead presses against mine, lips knocking slightly before he turns, pulling me on top of him.  I straddle his waist, hands pressed to his chest.  "You're on top, princess," he rasps, rubbing his jaw as he looks at me.

I pause for a moment, slightly conscious of myself.  The one other time I was on top was when we were drunk and I had some serious confidence with him.  Now?  It seemed like we had just met.

He obviously senses my nerves, and he sets his palms on my hips, rolling them.  I watch as his mouth goes slack as he groans.  "Just...do that again."

I lean forwards slightly, rolling my hips back against his and he gasps, one of his hands finding mine.  "Fuck, princess.  See?  You're a pro."

I lace my other hand with his, pressing our joined hands to the mattress as I roll against him again, moaning softly.  I watched as he closes his eyes, in total ecstasy as I rode on top of him.

Is this what I looked like when he had me under his control?  Because this is so hot.

I roll my hips harder, and he groans, murmuring a "fuck, you're so hot" under his breath.  He pulls a hand away, moving his fingers over my chest.  I moan softly, free hand digging small cresents into his chest.  His eyes watch me as I fall over my edge, flipping us back over and going over his own, sloppy thrusts slowing until he lies in a heap on top of me, breathing heavily.

My nails scratch absently over his back, his face buried in my shoulder.  "You're amazing, princess.  You know that?"

"Yeah, I know."  My hands wound into his hair.

He looks at me, quirking an eyebrow with a grin.  "Mm, shut up."


Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now