TBS - Movie Night

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*inspired from this tumblr imagine i read forever ago*


"Okay, guys, this is take 24. Try and get it perfect this time - we're all exhausted, it isn't just you." The director then calls out other orders to the workers, and you sigh, wondering if this scene would ever actually be filmed properly.

"You okay?" Thomas asks from next to you, while you take a sip of water.

You nod, pulling the bottle away from your lips. "Twenty-fourth time's the charm." He grins, and you find yourself smiling as well.

The scene you had to film was an argument between two close friends, you and Thomas. Your character was mad at Thomas's character because he had lied about something big, and you had to make it sound like you were genuinely friends for a long time. In the scene, your characters had developed some form of feelings for each other. However, much to your avail, there was no kissing scene. You had developed a tiny crush on Thomas - well, fine, kind of massive - over the course of filming this movie. You'd become quite close to each other through the time it was being filmed; you would sometimes watch movies in his hotel room after the day's filming was over.

"Cut! Everyone, stop!" The director calls out again, and you sigh, muttering a string of curses under your breath. Thomas looks at you and grins. "Alright, everyone, take five. We'll be back and try to do this scene once more. If it doesn't work our, I bid you all a goodnight. We'll continue this tomorrow."

You sigh, scowling. "I don't think its ever been this hard to film a goddamn scene, holy shit."

Thomas laughs. "Well, Y/n, it would be better if you weren't so awful at this."

You scoff, slapping his arm lightly. "Back at you, Sangster."

He shrugs. "I don't know. I thought this one was actually pretty good. I mean, I'm not the director, but we really pushed it in the one we just did."

You nod. "Same, I tried pretty hard for this last one. I don't know, I just want to leave. Do you think we'll ever leave this place?" You ask with a roll of your eyes.

"I hope so," he mutters. "I'm starving."

You smirk. "Is there ever a time where you aren't hungry, Thomas?"

He shrugs again. "Probably not. Are you still up for I Am Legend later?"

You press your lips together, glaring at the coffee-drinking director. "If we ever leave."

He laughs, and you laugh along with him. You ignore his lingering gaze on your face when you smile, trying not to blush. You clear your throat. "But yeah, it should be nice. I haven't seen that movie in ages."

He nods. "It always is fun." He smiles at you, but his expression changes in an instant when the one coworker that always attempted to flirt with you walked past.

"Hey, beautiful. You're doing great today." He says, leaning towards you.

You move back, your grin fading quickly. "Uh, hi, Pete. How are you?"

"I'm alright," he says cockily. "Having a bit of trouble with this one scene, though, aren't we?" He asks, looking at Thomas, whose jaw was clenched tightly. You frown, unsure of why he was taking this asshat so seriously.

You grab Thomas's arm, pulling him towards you. "We'll get it," you say, pulling Thomas away from Pete.

Thomas looks down at your hand. "What're you doing?" He asks, confused.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now