TBS - Singing

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I fumble with the lock momentarily before pushing myself into my room, slamming the door behind me. Tossing the keys onto...somewhere on the floor, I toss my bag aside, stumbling to kick off my shoes so I can crash onto the bed, exhausted.

I look up onto my side table, groaning internally at the time - 2:43 a.m in the morning. New record, Y/n. Maybe not procrastinate next time? You might finish your essay before midnight. Or maybe *gasp* even before dinner.

Rolling my eyes internally, I shift so that my head hits the pillow, and sigh in relief.

However, that relief is cut off literally seconds later, when the person living in the dorm opposite mine - we were joined by the wall behind my bed - starts strumming a guitar.

At first, I blink. Then I look up, making sure that the time was, in fact, 3 in the morning, and then I flop down again with a frustrated sigh. I must have imagined the guitar, because after those first few notes, it was silent once again.

Then the strumming starts again, playing 4 familiar chords repeatedly. After about a minute, I consider knocking against the door so that my neighbor would shut up, but then he starts to sing. Well. I sit up against the wall so I can hear him better.

"I wanna be a billionaire, so fuckin' bad...buy all of the things I never had," the boy next door sings. My jaw drops slightly at his voice - he sang really well, surprisingly. "I wanna be on the cover of Forbes Magazine, standing next to Oprah and the Queen." He continues.

Whether it was my sleep deprived mind, or the fact that he was that good, I began to sing along. "Oh, every time I close my eyes." There's silence from the other end, but I continue, hoping he'd get the hint. "I see my name in shining lights, yeah," I sing, and the boy starts to play again, singing along.

"A different city every night, oh, I, I, swear, the world better prepare, for when I'm a billionaire!" We sing together, and a grin slips over my face. Tapping my knuckles against the wall to mimic the drums, I begin the rap, and I hear the boy laugh from the other side of the wall. He begins to play again, and adds in his own parts, while I smile through the rap.

We laugh, starting the chorus again, and before we know it, we're singing our hearts out on the final lyric. He plays a flourish on his guitar, and I grin widely, leaning my head back against the wall. There's a moment of silence, before he speaks up. "I wonder if your face is as pretty as your voice." His voice is muffled, but I smile anyway.

"I'm Y/n," I respond, and I hear him chuckle.

"Thomas," he says. "What're you doing up so early? Well, late?"

"Procrastinating," I say. "You?"

"Couldn't sleep." There's silence before he responds again. "That was really nice, though. You're a very talented singer."

"Thanks, so are you." Once again, we fall into another awkward silence.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I really need to go to sleep. It was nice talking to you, Y/n." He says, clearing his throat.

"Sounds good. 'Night, Thomas." I say, and when I hear nothing in return, I lie back down, falling asleep.


When I wake up the next morning, I change, then go pick up the keys off the floor, grateful that they didn't fall through the vent. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I open my door, only to see someone standing there, their hand raised to knock on the door.

"So I was right - you are as pretty as your voice," Thomas's now familiar voice says as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

I smile. "Good morning," I say, slightly confused.

He stands there for a moment before clearing his throat, saying, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "No...why?"

"I wanted the honor of taking you out," he says with a smile and extending his hand.

I grin stupidly, and nod. "That'd be nice."


Standing at the counter, I stir the pasta I was making for dinner with one hand, resting the other hand on my hip. Turning the heat off, I turn around, hearing a familiar voice belt out a song that he knew I loved.

"Wise men say," he says, walking out of our room, "that only fools rush in..."

Walking over to me, he grins, continuing. "But I can't help falling in love, with you," he hums, wrapping an arm around my waist and spinning me around.

I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Shall I stay, would it be a sin, if I can't help-- mmfh."

His lips press against mine before I can finish the lyric, and when he pulls away, he grins, resting his forehead against mine. "You always did have a thing with finishing my lyrics, didn't you?" He says with a laugh.

I grin. "Good thing you never got tired of my voice, then. That would've been a problem."

He smiles. "I love you," he hums out, and I lean forward, pressing my lips to his again.


Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now