~~~~~"Oh, Y/n, thank god you're here! Was the flight okay?" Dylan asks, and you hug him tightly, smiling.
He pulls away, grinning back. "I take it that it was fine, then?"
You nod. "Yeah, it was good. How's filming going? Did Thomas find out that I'm here yet? Did Ki spill the secret? Oh, and how's he feeling? Is Thomas still sick?" You realize that you're bombarding him with questions, so you bite your tongue from asking further. Its been three months since you'd seen everyone, but it had been thirty seconds with Dylan.
Dylan laughs. "The Maze Runner filming is okay, as usual, Thomas hasn't found out, Ki hasn't spilled anything yet, and yeah, Thomas is still sick. He hasn't been getting much sleep and he's puking and shit, so Wes has put a hold on the filming of his scenes temporarily. I'm sure seeing you will make him feel better, though. When was the last time that the two of you had Skyped?"
You think back. "A week ago, maybe? I'm not entirely sure. A while." You say, frowning. He was your boyfriend, after all - but he hasn't Skyped you since he had gotten sick.
Dylan ruffles your hair. "Well, he'll be fine. Whenever I'm sick Britt somehow makes me feel better, so it should do the same for Tom." You smile, looking up at him. Dylan and Thomas had been friends for ages, so he played a big brother role in your life.
You nod, missing how close the two of you had been. "How long til the premiere of the movie, anyway? Couple months?"
He nods. "Three point five. I think. Its stressful though - we'd have to put a hold on filming entirely a couple of times because since he's a major character and everything.." He trails off, leaving it to you to piece it together.
"Shit, its that bad?" You say, and he nods. "Damn. Well, where is he then?"
"With Ki. I'll take you there, follow me." He turns, leading you into a hallway with doors on either side. "Dorms," you hear him say from ahead of you.
Peering over his shoulder, you see Ki leave one of the doors. He looks at you and grins. He runs towards you, but you motion for him to shut up - "Thomas," you mouth, pointing at the door he left from. Ki nods, smiling.
Dylan looks back at you. "Hide behind Ki until I say your cue." He whispers, and you nod. He walks into the room. "Hey, Tommy, feeling better yet?" He asks, sitting down on the bed next to him and touching his shoulder. You beam internally. Three months of waiting are over, finally.
Thomas turns off his phone, looking over to Dylan. "Not really." He says with a grunt.
Thomas rubs at his eyes, and you peer over Ki's shoulder and see how the dim light makes the sweat on his body shine.
You see Dylan frown. "Well, I brought you someone who will make you feel better for sure." You step away from Ki's back and smile at Thomas, holding your arms out.
He stands unsteadily, and looks at you. "Y/n?" His confused expression eases into a tired smile, and he staggers into your arms. You hug him tightly, and he presses his lips against your forehead. "I had no idea you'd be here."
You pull away, touching his cheek. "How are you feeling?" You ask.
He clears his throat. "Alright. How come you're here, anyway?" He says, voice emotionless.
Your smile falls. "Um, because I thought you were sick."
He frowns. "Well, all you'll do is make it worse. You won't leave me alone." He says bluntly, and you look down, hurt.
"I'll just be somewhere else, with the guys." You murmur, and Dylan sets a hand on your back, leading you out of the room while mouthing a sorry.
When you get outside, Dylan shrugs. "I'm really sorry," he murmurs. "That went a lot better in my head."
You frown. "Same here. I'm sure he'll be fine though," you murmur, sounding ironically unsure of yourself.
After an hour or so, you had gotten a worker to get you some soup for Thomas. Gratefully, the girl gets some and has it on a tray. You thank her, and take it down to Thomas's room, hoping that this time, the meeting went well.
You knock on his door and hear a grunt, and thinking that it was a yes, you open the door, setting the tray down next to him. "Tommy?" You ask timidly.
He glances at you, then turns back to his Instagram feed. You frown, but continue. "I got food. I didn't know when you'd eaten last, and I wanted to talk, so..."
When he doesn't look at you, you stand, dropping the spoon next to him rather loudly. "Fine. Talk to me whenever you're done. Clearly your phone has more importance to you than I do."
You hear someone behind you and you turn around, seeing Dylan, who had just walked into the room after hearing your outburst. "Is everything okay in here?" He asks.
You shrug, keeping back tears. "Ask him."
Dylan presses his lips into a line, and for the first time since you'd arrived, he looks angry. He then looks over to you, extending an arm. "Will you take care of me then? I feel sick." He winks, and you realize what he's trying to do.
You sigh dramatically. "Dylan, you were fine half an hour ago."
He pouts. "But I feel sick now," he says, and you giggle.
"Fine. Well, no one here is taking the soup anyways. Its yours." You say.
He sits down on the couch on he back wall of the room. "Can you bring it here?"
You roll your eyes. "Okay." Picking up the tray, you bring it over to Dylan, and he pulls you down to sit next to him.
Throwing an arm around your shoulder, he smiles. "Thank you, Y/n."
You sit next to him for a few moments, and then finally, Thomas decides to look up. He stares blankly at the two of you, then he frowns, murmuring a quiet "Getting late, I'm gonna sleep" before slipping off to the bathroom.
You sigh. "Oh my god," you say, hunching your shoulders and burying your face in your hands. "Does he hate me for some reason?"
Dylan scowls in his general direction. "He's just being an asshole. Leave him."
You sit in silence for a few minutes, and he gets up. "He was right, though. It is getting pretty late. If you can't sleep, show up in my room, alright?"
You nod mutely, and get up to walk towards your room. After pulling on a t-shirt and tights, you crash into your bed, jet lag weighing upon you like an anvil. You lay there for a few minutes, then stand back up. I can't sleep.
You step out your door, padding quietly over to Thomas's room, and glance at the couch. Good enough. Lying down on it, you shift, scowling. "Freaking hell," you murmur quietly after being unable to find a comfortable position. Suddenly, you feel someone lift you up, carrying you over to the bed. Thomas.
You wanted to pull away, say something, but he felt so warm and tiredness was still on you, so you stayed silent. He sets you into the bed and lies down next to you, pulling you close. "I know you're awake," he murmurs softly in his thick accent.
You look up at him. "Yeah."
He hugs you tightly suddenly, and you sigh, giving in and wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his shoulder. He pulls back, kissing you gently. "I wasn't getting much sleep since you left," he whispers, "and I think I know why now."