Newt - To the Stars and Back

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You were in your room, pulling out the hairpins from your hair, when Newt - your boyfriend of three months - storms into the room, and goes straight to the bathroom without acknowledging you. It was odd, as you hadn't seen him at all during dinner - the newbie had arrived yesterday, and you'd been asked by Alby to show him around. The kid - Eddie - wanted to know what it was like to be a runner, so you and Minho had shown him the ropes, as the two of you were the Keepers of the Runners.

You set the bobby pins onto the table, and push them back. Newt stalks out of the bathroom, and you raise an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?" You ask, and he looks over.

"How's that new kid, (y/n)?" He asks, contempt in his voice.

You frown. "He's nice enough. Newt, what's going on?"

He shrugs. "You seemed pretty close to Minho today, too. What's up with that?" Oh. So this is what this is about.

"Newt..." You murmur. "Are you jealous?"

Your boyfriend scowls. "I don't know what you're talking about, (Y/n),"

You push yourself into the table, making sure that your hairpins don't fall off. You open your arms, and he sighs, walking into them. You hug him tightly, and neither of you say anything.

You let go, turning him around so that his back is against your chest. Placing your lips against his neck, you tug on the bottom of his shirt. He pulls it off, tossing it onto a chair, and you press your palms onto his chest, moving one hand up to his shoulder and the other around his waist. You trail your lips up his neck and he sighs, leaning his head back, resting it on your shoulder.

You smile. You push him away from you gently, and he turns, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You nod towards the bed, murmuring a quiet "Go lie down". He nods, and when he goes to the bed, you crawl on top of him, trailing kisses up his chest. He runs his fingers through your hair, and you move up, so that you're straddling his lap.

Brushing his hair out of his eyes and pressing a palm over his heart - which was beating rapidly - you murmur, "Would I be able to make you feel like this if I were with anyone else? Newt, I love you to the stars and back. I will never be able to stop loving you. Don't ever doubt that."

He pulls you down, lips hot against yours, and flips you over, pressing his palm to your bare side. "I love you too," you hear him whisper between kisses. "I love you so much."

You sigh when he moves his lips wn to your neck. You hear him murmur a quiet apology against your neck, and you run your hand through his hair, moaning softly in response. He moves your shirt up slightly, so that one of his hands in on your stomach, slowly making its way upwards, and the other is on your back. You arch your back, earning a wicked grin from him.

He glances at the door, making sure it's closed, before tugging the covers over you.

I wasn't really sure how to end this one, but hey double update bc ilyasm

Can we all just pray to have a guy like Newt tho really


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