Oh, fuck's sake.
Halloween is supposed to be fun, isn't it? It's supposed to be fun, and so is the Fall Fair that comes along with it.
Yet here I am, stuck in a bloody corn maze at said Fair with no idea where my friends are or how I'm going to get out.
I pull my phone out of my pocket, squinting at the dim screen before raising the brightness. Please tell me there's signal in the middle of this corn field? Maybe a cell tower is hidden between one of these stalks that I'm too bloody short to look above.
Glancing at the cell service symbol, I'm left cursing everything I know when instead of seeing bars, I see a blank triangle with the notification reading 'No cell service found!'.
I sigh, before getting another idea. I stand up straight, standing still and not moving any of the stalks around me. Maybe someone else is stuck here too.
I stand for a good three minutes before I think of giving up. I'm gonna die in here. Trying to suppress the panic, I stand on my toes, struggling to see where I was. And that's when I hear it.
The sound of the twig breaking somewhere to my left makes my eyes widen. Oh my dear god, I'm gonna die in here.
I take a deep breath. "Is anyone there?" I call out.
Silence, before I hear a loud "Yes! Fuck, where are you?"
"I...I don't know, where are you?" I stammer at the British accent.
A pause. "Um...can you see the tree?" The boy asks.
"I can't see shit."
"Fair enough. Keep talking, and I'll try and find you."
"What do I say?"
"I dunno, sing the alphabet or something." He responds, sounding more amused than irritated.
"Fine. Um..." I honestly could not believe the situation I was stuck in. "A, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k--ow!" I trail off sharply as I feel someone collide into my back.
Spinning around, it takes me a second to come to terms with the fact that there was a tall boy with really long legs sitting on the ground with his brown eyes squinting up at me. "Alphabet girl?" He asks after a moment's pause.
"British boy," I say with a sigh of relief. I extend an arm, helping him up. "How long have you been out here?"
"In the maze? An hour. Lost? Like, 40 minutes." He says, brushing off his knees. "Are you getting any service out here?"
I shake my head. "No, been in here for twenty minutes."
"Neither am I." A silence that borders on awkward settles between us before I speak up again.
"How on earth are we gonna get ourselves out of here?"
He pauses for a moment. "Get on my back."
"What? I don't even know you--"
He sighs, sticking out his hand. "I'm Thomas Sangster. Nice to meet you."
I open my mouth to say something, but close it when words don't come out. I shake his hand. "Y/n Y/l/n," I say after a moment.
"Now will you get on my back?"
"Why?" I ask, exasperated.
"Because," he says, "neither of us can see over the corn stalks."