Newt - The Shank

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You were sitting against the headboard of your bed, a map of the Maze spread over your outstretched legs. Furrowing your eyebrows, you bite the inside of your cheek. If Minho manages to jam a crowbar between those walls before they close, would they crush it, or stop moving? Shit, what if it breaks them?

We should try with Minho first instead of the crowbar. At least if it doesn't work out, it'll get him to shut up.

Taking the pencil that was stuck behind your ear, you scribble a small note onto the paper, tossing the pencil onto the bed once you were done. However, before you could figure out where else you could try something new in the Maze, your doorknob rattles, causing you to look up, raising an eyebrow.

The door opens, and Newt practically falls into the room, careful to close the door quietly behind him once he steadies himself. He peeks through the crack of the door, and then turns to you with a tired smile. "Alby's doing his check round the Glade," your boyfriend says, collapsing face down next to you on the bed. He turns his head, looking up at you. "Hey, love," he says with a cheeky grin. "Mind if I sit here?"

You laugh, running your fingers through his hair gently. "Hey, Newt." He flips over, pulling your face down to kiss you. Smiling, you pull away. "How was your day?" You ask as he laces one of your hands with his.

"The usual," he says. "The greenbean - Thomas - he's doing his first run with you and Minho tomorrow morning, so he was going around with me and Minho today learning everything." He brings your joined hands to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly.

"Hm." You murmur, looking down at the map, then tossing over to the foot of the bed with a sigh.

"Any luck?" Newt asks, and you shake your head.

"No," you murmur quietly. "Nothing yet. What was Alby doing his check for this time?"

He sits up, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. You gladly accept his embrace, moving your head so it lay against his chest. "Not sure. Chuck probably scared him while he was in the bathroom or something," he ends with a laugh.

You look up at him, smiling when you see his grin. Looking down at you , his grin widens, and he leans down, kissing you softly. "I was thinking--" he begins to murmur, kissing you again, when a knock at the door makes him jump. "Oh, shuck."

"(Y/n)? Are you still awake?" Alby's voice calls out from outside your door.

Newt's eyes widen. "Oh, shuck." He mouths.

"Under the bed," you hiss urgently. Once he disappears under your bed, you take the map as an excuse, and call out, "Yeah, Alby, come in."

The tall boy opens the door, standing against the doorframe. "Have you seen Newt?" he asks, and you try not to pale.

"No, why?" You say, clearing your throat.

"I needed to ask him about sending Thomas tomorrow." he says simply, and you raise an eyebrow.

"Alby, can it wait till tomorrow? I mean, it's getting late, don't you think?" You say.

Alby's eyes narrow. "No, why?" He asks.

"It's nearing midnight," you stammer. "Plus, I gotta get up early tomorrow."

"Hm." Alby nods. "Maybe you're right. If you see him, tell him I need to talk to him."

He seems unconvinced, so you say, "Have you checked the Gardens? He might've fallen asleep there."

Alby shakes his head. "I checked. Speaking of Newt, though, is there anything between you two? You seem close." His eyes narrow again. Ah, for fucks sakes, just leave already.

You shake your head, hoping it wasn't too fast. "No, he pissed me off today. Something about me being both a Runner and a girl didn't make it through his thick head." There's an almost imperceptible kick to the bottom of your bed, and you bite at your lip, eyes widening fractionally. "But yeah, that's about it."

Alby nods. "Okay, fine. Get some rest, (Y/n), and thanks." With that, he slips out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Once Newt is sure he's gone, he practically tackles you onto the bed when he climbs on. You giggle under his weight, and he nips at your cheek. "You know we've got to tell him sometime, right?" He mumbles, pressing his lips to your jaw and to your cheek again. "Because there is this one spider that I see every single time I have to hide down there, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't like me--"

You pull his lips down to yours, silencing him. Pulling away, you nod. "Fine. Tell him tomorrow then. I mean, all we have to do is convince him that there aren't going to be any mini Newts and (Y/n)s running around, right?"

He shrugs, rolling off you with a grunt. "How exactly do I do that?"

You think for a moment. "Leave my room tomorrow morning," you say, trailing your fingers over his chest, sitting up. "Like, when people can see you. Word will get around by noon."

He nods, covering your hand with his. After a moment, he speaks up. "How're the runs?" He asks.

"Boring," you say, huffing in frustration. You roll up the map, tossing it over the side of the bed, along with the pencil. "We aren't finding anything." You flop over onto him, resting your head against his chest.

"Well," he murmurs, running a hand over your hair soothingly, "once we get out of here, me and you are going to find our own place. Where we'll be free to have little Newts and (Y/n)s running around. We'll have our lives back."

Crossing your arms over his chest, you lean up, kissing him. "That was probably the sweetest thing ever."

"Was it really?" He says with a laugh, kissing you again. "I should say stuff like that more often then."

"I'm serious," you say, laughing along with him. "The sweetest thing in the history of all sweet things, like, ever."

He flips both of you over, leaning over you to turn your lamp off. He then hovers over you, grinning. "Starting tomorrow, I can say things like that to you all the time."

You smile. "I look forward to it," you mumble, before pulling him down to kiss you again.

Suddenly, a voice from outside startles you. "Hey (Y/n)," Alby calls out from somewhere outside the room, "tell the shank in your room that I knew for a while, will you?"


Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now