I didn't like these shorts.
Well, I mean, I did, but only if I knew I was going to get messy or something. The last time I wore them was when Thomas and I painted the apartment.
But these shorts were kind of like daisy dukes, kind of like short shorts, in a light blue color. I didn't wear them much anymore, mainly because of the stares I got - they've been hanging in my side of the closet for almost a year.
But it was some 27°C in the entire apartment building right now, and I can wear literally nothing else.
"The A/C isn't gonna work till tomorrow, baby," Thomas calls out from the living room. "The men are working on it but it doesn't seem usable until either late night tonight or tomorrow morning."
I take one long look at myself in the mirror - accepting the short dukes and the old t-shirt - before tying my hair up into a ponytail and slipping out the door to the living room.
Thomas takes one look at me and freezes. "Uh...wow."
"What?" I ask.
"Nice shorts."
"It's hot, alright?" I huff.
He laughs, shaking his head. "Alright." He takes another long look at me from the sofa, laptop on his legs. "I've got some work to do, so I'm pretty sure I'm staying here for a bit. Too hot to move."
I nod. "Okay. I'm already bored, so I'll probably just clean...or something." I honestly hadn't thought of what I was going to do today, but it was too hot to go out, so we were apartment-bound. So cleaning it was.
"Come here a sec?" He asks, and I walk over, sitting down next to him. "I like your shorts," he stage-whispers in my ear as I giggle, pulling away.
"I know. Do your work," I murmur, kissing his cheek quickly before standing up, heading to the kitchen. "You want something to eat?"
He shakes his head, setting his feet onto the coffee table and crossing his arms over his partially bared chest. "I'm good," he says, adjusting the unbuttoned shirt's rolled sleeves.
I grab an apple, taking a bite out of it before setting it on the counter, walking over to my room. Closet starts first.
It's been an hour - I think - and our room is clean, closet trash-free and everything in there looks nice. I grab the hem of my t-shirt, rubbing my forehead. I walk back out to the living room glance at Thomas, who was typing away, before stepping into the kitchen. I wince at the browned apple, grabbing a knife and cutting the brown part off before taking another bite.
I look over to Thomas, shamelessly checking him out as I chew on the apple. His feet were still up on the coffee table, and my eyes catch a glimpse of his chest before I realize that he had noticed me staring at him. "Like what you see?" He asks cockily.
"Yeah," I shrug flippantly.
"Always so forward, love," he chuckles, glancing back down at his screen.
"How much work do you have left?" I ask.
"Some. Why?"
"Because I like what I see."
He opens his mouth, then closes it before opening it again, looking up at me. He begins to say something, before humming, a small smile on his face. "I have no clue how to respond to that," he says with a small burst of laughter.
Not the reaction I expected.
I tug my hair out of my ponytail, turning. "I'm gonna take a shower."
"Okay," I hear him call out behind me.
I can't help but let a small scowl appear on my face. I expected literally any kind of response aside from the one he had given me, and it kinda shut me down. Just a bit, I think to myself.
Stepping into the bathroom, I tug off my shirt, before frowning again, realizing that I hadn't brought a pair of (other) shorts to wear after I showered. Sighing to myself quietly, I step out of the bathroom, walking over to my dresser. bending over to grab a pair of shorts in my second drawer, and once I stand, I see Thomas standing behind me in the mirror.
I raise an eyebrow at him through the mirror, and he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me, resting his chin between the crook of my neck and my shoulder. "You're upset."
"Hm." I respond, turning and half expecting him to pull away.
He doesn't, and instead walks behind me, keeping his chest flush against my bra-clad back. "Well, you know what, baby?" He asks softly in my ear.
"What?" I ask, turning my head slightly and raising an eyebrow again, before walking towards the bathroom, him not missing a single step behind me.
"I like what I see too." His arms tighten slightly as we walk over to the bathroom. He begins pressing his lips delicately behind my ear, and I feel my knees go weak. "So much that I didn't really get much work done." His lips press more firmly against my neck as we pause in the doorway of the bathroom, and I probably would've fallen if his arms weren't there.
I feel one of his hands move from my waist as he propels us into the bathroom, standing us in front of the mirror. It roams up to my chest as he keeps his eyes glued to mine, squeezing where he sees fit. My lips part in a half-gasp, half-moan. "Thomas," I manage to whisper before he lets go of me, turning me around so that my hips pressed against the counter so that I faced him.
His large hands settle on my waist after he lets them roam for a moment, and he nudges his nose against mine, before kissing me firmly. I grab a hold of his shirt, keeping him close to me. He shifts, pulling back for air before he kisses me again, his warm lips and flushed cheeks making me dizzy.
Pushing his shirt off of his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor, I let my hands roam over his back, eventually settling on his shoulders as he kisses me in a way that makes my toes curl and makes me forget my own name. He pulls back, breathing heavily and pressing his forehead against my own. He says nothing, and doesn't have to - I let my fingers trail up over his abs then back down again, my nails making a soft scratching sound as they retraced their path, and he groans against my ear.
He pulls back to look at me, a wicked grin spreading over his face. I feel his hands slip down my back after unbuckling my bra, sliding into the back pockets of my shorts.
"So, about that shower..."