Newt - Dance With Me

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You were walking back to Frypan's kitchen with the remnants of your sandwich - which wasn't much, really. With your plate in hand, you walk through the shady area of the path, looking up at the moon. It was exceptionally bright tonight - it looked amazing.

You stand in place for a moment, smiling to yourself. The Maze could get lonely, considering that here were no other girls around, but it did have its perks. You sigh to yourself, still smiling, when you hear footsteps from behind you. You turn, and you see Newt walk out of the trees, holding a bottle of moonshine in his hand. By his walk - and it wasn't his limp - you can tell that it wasn't his first.

He grins, face flushed. "Hola, Y/n. This was supposed to be a surprise visit, but you saw me." His thickly accented voice rings through the still air.

You smile, his grin contagious. "Oh, well, if you want, I'll turn back around. I'll even act all surprised and everything." You say, teasing.

He pouts. "But that'll ruin the surprise, won't it?"

You shrug, and he walks over to you, his gait slightly staggered. Your breath speeds up slightly because you weren't sure what he was going to do - although you'd gladly let him have his way with you - and you release it when he throws an arm around your shoulders. "Well, we could still make something work." He takes the plate from your hands, and tosses it to the side, and you laugh.

He quirks his eyebrows. "Is milady doth amused?" He says, and you laugh harder.

"I don't even think that's how you say it," you say, hoping that the dim light would hide your blush at the fact that he called you 'milady'.

He laughs. "Fine, sorry." His arm tightens around your shoulders, and he walks forward on the path, pulling you with him. "Let's do something - I'm bored."

"Well," you say, "what do you suggest?"

He shrugs, then his eyes widen and a grin appears on his face. "I know - dance with me."

You raise an eyebrow. "Newt, there's no music."

He shrugs again. "Roll with it, Y/n. We don't need any music," he says, and you turn, facing him.

"Alright." Setting a hand on his shoulder, he takes your other one, lacing your fingers. He wraps his other arm around your waist, pulling you close, and your breath catches.

He starts to sway from side to side, and you move with him, unsure of where to look so you keep your eyes downcast. He releases your fingers, and touches your chin so you can look at him. Surprisingly, you don't smell any alcohol on his breath when he speaks. "See, isn't this fun?" He asks with a small chuckle.

You set your now free hand on his other shoulder and nod, knowing that if you opened your mouth you'd say something stupid. You release a shaky breath, and he frowns. "I can leave you alone if you want," he murmurs.

You shake your head quickly. "No, its alright. I just never imagined myself in this situation," you say with a quiet laugh.

He nods, then lowers his head, his hair brushing over your shoulder blade. You shiver, and then he does something that makes your heart stop - he presses his lips against your shoulder, and you can feel the smile on his face when he does so.

"Newt -" you begin to say, and he looks up at you, pulling his face back up.

He smirks. "Mhm?"

You raise his eyebrows at his nonchalance. "What're...what're you doing?"

He shrugs. "Not sure, really. Going with it."

"With what?"

He quirks his eyebrows. "With the one chance I had to get you alone." He leans forward, looking at you through his mop of blonde hair, and moves closer, if that were even possible. Leaning in, he brushes his lips against yours, and you move closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your lips firmly against his. Its only when you pull away when you realize that you were running out of air.

He rests his forehead against yours, and smiles. A small laugh escapes his lips when he says, "Well, love, I should fake being drunk more often."

You hum in response, pulling him towards you again, and he rests one hand on the small of your back, pushing you further into his chest. Walking forward, he presses you against a tree near the shady area of the path, and presses a hand against your face, kissing you again. You push your hands through his hair, screaming with happiness internally.

You pull back, looking at him, and he bends down, brushing his lips over your neck. "So wait," you say between gasps, "you were never drunk out of your mind?"

He looks up at you. "Nope. Why, was I that good of an actor?" He says with a grin.

You laugh. "Sure."

He brings his head back up, and looks at you, eyelids lowered. "Well, at least now I have something to look forward to in this bloody place."

You smile. "As do I, Newt."

holaaaa cada uno que pasaaa

sorry for the long wait for this one, idk I just didn't feel like writing

so remember that date? we went on a second one and turns out we have zero things left to talk about so we were just sitting there at taco bell awkwardly eating our fajitas and not saying a word


i put my other pan story on hold because i dunno what I'm doing with it atm

also i broke my headphones by accident - so what happened is i was listening to music in class and my phone was in my desk and then the phone rang so i forgetting that my phone was in my desk connected to my headphones through my shirt got up and dropped my phone and ripped the headphones out of my ears and i ended up not picking up the phone anyway it was seriously depressing

okay whoever is still reading this you deserve a medal ilyasm


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