S3 EP7

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(Y/n) brushed Sebastian's hair as he layed his head on her thighs. He hummed "My, Little Kitten, your skin is soft for once. Usually, they're rather dry. Have you been using something?"

The girl suddenly moved her hand. Sebastian shifted his head to look up at her only to smile as she stared at him with a blank yet upset expression

He sat up "I was only trying to get a rise out of you--Yeah, fucker, well, it worked"

He laughed and then lift up a small black teapot, pouring something into a little cup, and handing it towards her. (Y/n) took the cup gently "Oh, you made Tea"

Before she took a sip, she stared at the steam as it waved in the air "Its still hot? How long has this been here?"

Sebastian sipped his own cup while holding the teapot behind him, light fires emitting from his hands as it heated the liquid inside

"Only an hour or so, at least. Must be magical"

The girl gasped and then looked off "It could be..."

The ravenette sweatdropped 'She'll believe anything'


(Y/n) and Sebastian laughed at a joke he had just told. She looked to the side "Oh, God, how long has it been?"

Sebastian hummed and looked down, his eyes tracing the girl's face. All that he had done lead up to this point. Did he regret what he did to Clara? Eh, it gets to him a few times but, he got over it. Her soul wasn't fussed with anyway. Although, I should say this...

That was the reason he had gotten into a relationship with her

But, enough about Clara. He had his eyes focused on (Y/n), the girl he had been hunting for. This was his chance, his official chance

"(Y/n), my Little Kitten.."

He traced her neck with his finger before lifting her chin, the girl staring at him with wide eyes "Uh, Sebastian....Ha, whatcha doin'?" She looked to the side repeatedly

"I've been wanting to ask you this for so long.."

(Y/n) sat her hands on his chest as he came closer

"Can I...."

The stars glistened in her eyes as he stared into them. Why was this such a hard question to ask. Kiss her, be done with it.


His eyes suddenly widened to the size of plates, tightening his grip on the girl as a gusto of wind flew in her ears, the girl closing her eyes and gripping his shirt as a loud crash was heard.

She slowly opened her eyes and then looked behind her, staring at the large branch that had fallen form the crown of the tree behind them.

She then stopped her breathing at the sound of a growl. The hell was that...

"Sebastian...What happened?"

The girl looked up to him as he glared up at the tree "Are you ok? You didn't get scratched did you?"

He had leaped back before it could hit them, however, his plan out didn't seem to make it. Sad shame. Sebastian looked down to the girl in his hold, his fingers picking out something that sat in her hair. He held it in front of her, staring at it in interest before even more petals of the beautiful flower fell down upon them.

(Y/n) held her hand out with a smile as they fell, the distraction making it's way into her heart. Pretty little blossoms.

Sebastian stared at her face and then rubbed her back, pulling her into a hug. She sat her head on his chest as the blossoms continued to fall, a content expression on her face. But, the ravenette glanced back to the tree

Just in time to spot something he had seen back at the School.

That person, that Man...

"Such a shame...The girl is odd yet compatible with you. And that catches my attention. What will you use her as? A play toy? A little stepping stone?"

"Well....How would you react to this 'Kitten' of yours being hurt? Would that upset you, Demon?"

He closed his eyes

'I may be a Demon...'

He reopened them, staring back into those ringed green and yellow eyes, his own orbs glowing a bright color of light pink. Fuschia, even. Something shined on the object they held onto as they stood in the leaves

'Yet, at least I'm not a mischievous, illmannored Reaper'


Sebastian walked ahead with the girl as the garage door closed. She looked back to him "Sorry that accident ruined it all, Sebs"

He smiled down at her and shook his head "No, no. Everything's fine. As long as you're alrig..." He stood there, motionless

It wasn't until she stepped down from her position of standing on her toes that he realized, she had kissed him. Well, his cheek, but still

She kissed him..

(Y/n) softly smiled and walked inside, the door closing itself behind him. Sebastian sat a hand on his cheek as his breath escaped his lungs. It finally happened. Wasn't on the lips but, who the hell cares-

(Y/n) walked all the way to the front door, softly opening it and closing it, before covering her face and jumping around

'Holy shit! I actually did that! Oh my fucking God!'

Her cheeks felt as if they ere on fire as she spun around with a wide smile, she felt ecstatic! Is this what those people on movies feel like? And when she walked away after that kiss?! She felt like s he was going to fall on her face but, holy hell, it felt so badass!


She froze for a quick second and then lift up one of the decorative plants Sebastian sat outside their home, holding it out to the person near her for self defense

However, her mouth flew open once she saw the shivering being standing there, arms around themselves as their teeth clattered together

"Master Ciel?"

So, I-

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