S2 EP1

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The figure that stood the dark room stared intensely at Sebastian. The ravenette had a blank, cold face. The fact that this person knew his species was a problem.

He didn't even know who they were...

The Male scoffed as Sebastian's silence, shaking his head "Such a shame...The girl is odd yet compatible with you. And that catches my attention. What will you use her as? A play toy? A little stepping stone?"

"I plan to keep my doings with my Little Kitten private"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes "That is as much as you need to know" The Male hummed and soon nodded "Well....How would you react to this 'Kitten' of yours being hurt? Would that upset you, Demon?"

Sebastian growled under his breath, gripping the books in his hands harder "Never, and I mean, never, use that name. It doesn't deserve to slip from your tongue. She is mine and mine alone. Mine to bare. I maintain my sights on her with each step of the way. She will forever be under my watch. I'll make it my mission to never have her in another Man's arms"

The Male smirked "Bold of you to say such a thing. Who knows what the future holds, Michaelis"


Sebastian's eyes flickered fuchsia at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice, looking around. He glanced back to the Male only found the darkness and shadows.

'His voice was oddly deep. That trait could help..'

Sebastian rubbed his chin in thought. He then shook his head and ran out the door, going to where he could track down the scream.


(Y/n) jumped back as Clara threw a book at her. She watched the book fly out the window, hitting the dirt outside. She looked back over and ducked before the wooden chair could crash into her.

(Y/n) scooted back on the floor, soon standing and running off to the front. The Librarian was already on her way to find out what the commotion was about but all she saw was (Y/n) runni ng straight towards her till a girl with dark hair yanked her down and pulled her hair.

The Librarian quickly ran over to stop the fight as (Y/n) pushed her off and Clara tried smacking her back. The double doors opened as well, the Male looking over to see the fight as well as the elderly Woman tried separating the two Young Adults.

"Ladies, please!"

(Y/n) tired kicking Clara off as Clara scratched at her arms "Get off me you Psycho Bitch!" Two arms wrapped around (Y/n) pulling her off while one of the Library Aids ripped Clara away as well. Sebastian backed away with (Y/n) as Clara pushed at her holder. He shielded her smaller being as Clara reached for her.

(Y/n) held on to the arms as she breathed heavily and turned herself back around to face the ravenette Female "Ayo, what the fuck!" Clara glared at her "I don't have to explain shit to you!" (Y/n) gave her an appalled look "You threw a fucking Chair at me!" Clara smiled "And it should've hit you in your head" (Y/n) growled and tried wiggling out of the person's grasp but it didnt work.

The Librarian shoulder head "This won't do! I'm sending you two girls home so you can get better. I dont want any of you Dears to be hospitalized. I cant bare to see it" The Librarian sat her hands on her chest while everyone else nodded and sighed. Clara glared at (Y/n) while (Y/n) gladly gave it back, relaxing her nerves as Sebastian held her back. He rubbed her arms slowly to cool her down. Clara quickly looked away, deciding it was not the best idea to watch.


(Y/n) sat in the front Office, looking over her scared arm as blood slipped through a small bit. Clara had long nails and they knicked her in a few spots...

The Office door opened, showing Sebastian as he grabbed her bag and held her up "I talked with the Staff and they're allowing us to leave early for you to heal" (Y/n) huffed and hugged Sebastian from his side, laying her head on his chest while he pat her fluffs of (h/c).

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect anything to happen" (Y/n) puffed out her cheeks "Yeah, well, your Girlfriend's a bitch!" Sebastian lightly scoffed "She wont be if this behavior continues. I'll....I need a small break from her" (Y/n) looked up at him with wide eyes "Really? I-I mean...You are?" Sebastian, seeing the little flicker of hope in her eyes, smiled with a nod "Of course,"

'Anything for My Little Kitten'

The two sat down on the Bike, Sebastian forcing (Y/n) in the front so he could see her a bit better. While they got ready, he stared at the blood on her arms. For someone that hasn't had a Soul in years....

He would be a Liar if he said he wasnt fucking starving


The ravenette let out a hum

"...When we get home, I wanna cuddle"

Sebastian went stiff, his eyes wide. If he had a Dog tail, I swear to God that thing would be wagging!


(Y/n) yawned as she awoke. A smile slowly appeared on her face as she felt fingers twirling her hair.

"Good morning, My Sleepy Kitten"

(Y/n) chuckled and held on to Sebastian's shirt, scooting closer "Good morning, Sebastian" The ravenette 'aww'd' "No Pet name?" (Y/n) shook her head "Nope. You don't deserve one"

Sebastian smiled softly as he held her. He was so happy that she actually wanted to cuddle with him and when she fell asleep that made him feel even better inside. He suddenly tilted her head higher by her chin "(Y/n). May I ask you a question?" The girl lift a brow as he lowered his head closer "What type of question?" Sebastian smirked as she followed his lead "You'll see soon..."

Ding Dong

Sebastian groaned a little as the girl sat up "Wonder who that is" She slid out the sheets, leaving Sebastian to his own needs. (Y/n) went to the front door and unlocked it to see a happy silverette "Hello, (Y/n)~"

The girl smiled back at him as she opened the door to let him in "Hey, Undertaker" Undertaker looked around the home, letting out a hum "This is a nice little abode you have. Now I see why you and your little British Boyfriend live alone" (Y/n) rolled her eyes as he giggled.

"Shut the fuck up. Here, I'll show you where you can stay since Annalise told me what happened" Undertaker sighed with a smile as they walked "Oh, what a shame it was. All my clothes, gone to shambles" (Y/n) chuckled "Guess we gotta get you some new ones"

"Whose this?"

The two looked back in the hallway to see Sebastian with crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

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