S3 EP11

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Or shirtless

And smiling while stretching in the bed

The Man..

Did she-

(Y/n) quickly looked to her own body and then let out a relaxed sigh. She was alright, just had on a shirt and her-


She plucked at the dress shirt and then lift it up and sniffed it, her eyes going wide once more

'This is not my shirt..'

And thats when the panic began to settle in. She then looked to the Male as he began to sit up. And that's where the exploring comes in. From those builded arms, to those shoulders..

And that neck..

That jaw line, those lips. They looked so smooth and soft. And his hair, good God. Hpw it swooped and stayed nice and perfectly messy yet clean at the same time. It looked as if the Gods themselves created him

She then looked away as his eyes met her's

He didn't even say a word, he just stared

And that alone scared her. It made her anxious, she didn't know what else to do! Should she offer him something? Say hello? Screaming suddenly sounds like a dick move too-Should she just walk out?!

But, all he did was move to the side and let his feet rest on the floor. The girl watched him as he let the covers remove themselves from his body and reveal his underwear, making her quickly look away

She heard him stand and shuffle around. All while trying to keep her eyes off of him

But, at the presence of someone above her, she looked ahead to find the shirtless Male staring down at her. She was nervous to even glance down with such a Beast in front of her

"My shirt"

She lift her brows in surprise at the deep town and slur of his voice, her heart dropping even more "Holy shit.."

He, in turn, lift a brow himself. But, she only looked down and cleared her throat "I-I...I uh..Right"

She looked to the shirt and then back up "Well, uh.."

The mystery Mqn still only watched. He didn't even say a word. That was until a sigh came came him


She reached to stop him as he had already exposed her top half of her body, the short fully open. (Y/n) quickly sat her hands on his wrist "Hey, wai---I'm in a rush"

The girl doubt it would be as bad as him stripping her all of the sudden! What was he missing at the moment that was so important!?

"Oh, Dearie~"

At the whistle of the door swinging open, the girl stayed frozen and quiet

"Oh my, how scandalous, hehehe"

She looked over in a flash as the silverette began to crack the door with a smile, turning the knob "Locks do exist, y'know"


He only giggled and then threw it open, walking in "Well, well. If it isn't Mister Faustus" He sat his hands on his hips and leaned closer with his usual smirk.

(Y/n) looked back and forth atthem as they stared at each other "You guys..."

"I must say, you have a well pair on your chest, Little Dear"

The girl glared at him and tussled her way out of the Stranger's grip and covered herself back. Undertaker laughed and then looked back to the Male "I wonder, how's the home?"

'Faustus' just watched him and then turned to the side. The girl was already beginning to throw the shirt off and give it back to him.

Once she had slipped on a hoodie, she held it up to him. He gladly took it and wrapped it around himself before stopping his arms through the sleeves.

"How's the Father?"

The golden eyed Male looked at Undertaker and then down as he fixed his buttons

"Oh, not going to answer me now"

The man ran a hand through his hair and let out a little bit of air from his lungs


His sharp eyes went straight to (Y/n), scaring her just the slightest. But, she looked dead set in his eyes to try and show the small bit of confidence she had "Is that your name or.."

He stared at her for awhile and looked over her face. It was as if he was scanning her being

"Might want to hurry"

Undertaker sat on the bed, tapping his feet on the ground "Her Boyfriend is a bit on the impatient side"

(Y/n) groaned "He is not my Boyfriend!" Undertaker giggled "Really, now?"

"Oh. (Y/n), are you awake?"

She froze in panic at the voice on the other side of the door, only one thought going in her hear



(Y/n) looked back to the Male as he still stared at her, eyes still sharp yet full of curiosity at this new person in front of him

(Y/n) blinked rapidly "Huh?" The Male only rolled his fingers back in.his hair and let it fall to frame his face once more, giving her a slanted eyed look

"Claude Faustus, and you might be?"

Lord have mercy, this was chilling in drafts for so long-

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Lord have mercy, this was chilling in drafts for so long-

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