S3 EP15

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(Y/n) paled "Sebastian.."

She went his way, smiling as well to help cool his feelings "It's just a small get together. Grell just wanted to have one since the Semester was ending and-"

"And have a Party"

The girl flattened her lips and coughed "Well, yeah, but.."

Grell scoffed and stood "Oh, get over it. You may not have been here first but, this is nothing but a simple party"

The girl looked at the two, hoping nothing would happen or an issue would pop up but, Sebastian just sighed and looked her way

And she just hated that stare. The stare of disappointment

However, the lights had flickered back on around the house, earning groans and yells from the sudden action. This caused the three to come out and look around for the reason but, there stood Ciel with an angered face and glaring at all those that were in the house

"Leave this premises. Immediately"

A brunette in the crowd scoffed before she yelped as the Male next to her pushed her aside and stepped through

"Well, look at that. Out of all my years, I wouldn't expect to see you here, Ciel"

The blunette looked over as his eyes narrowed at the voice. He recognized that childish tone from anywhere

"And I can't say I'm too surprised you're here"

The blonde stood in front of him, his long smile straying on his face as he sat in a short sleeved shirt and pants, and those icy blue eyes just pierced into his being like he was a new toy for Christmas

Ciel went to the front door and opened it, standing aside "Move along. I do not have time for this"

The other kept his smile before huffing and turning around "Well then,"

He threw his arms up with a joyous smile

"Party at my Manor! The Trancy Manor!"

The cheering of the crowd came, making the blonde smile even more. He lived to hear them cheer his name and practically bow down to him. It gave him satisfaction, it gave him superiority

He then looked back to Ciel as people passed by and ran, his eyes sending a hard glare yet stayed as cheery as ever "It was nice seeing you again, Ciel"

The boy wanted to scoff at him but, still kept his guard up as he watched him slowly walk by

"To you as well, Alois"


Those (e/c) orbs stared at Ciel as he layed on the bed on his side

Looks like he was worn out again. Nothing too surprising


(Y/n) looked back as Sebastian stood at the doorway. He then lift his finger and motioned her over

She glanced back to the blunette and then moved along to join the ravenette outside. As soon as she did, he closed the door and stared into her eyes to show the array of emotions that he had


She wanted to look down. It felt weird to stare up at him like this..

"They need to leave. All of them"

Her eyes went wide before she began to unconsciously shake her head "..No..They ca--My Dear, listen.."

He sat a hand on her cheek and motioned her to stare at him and snap back into reality "They're doing nothing but causing trouble. The only tolerable one is your Boss-"


"-Regardless, they're reckless, noisy, foolish. I'm afraid that if you stray around them, you'll begin to slip away.."

She blinekd and looked down. The overwhelming feeling of being out in her place wad shadowing her. Maybe he was right..

She didn't really ask for this Party

She was kinda forced to have Undertaker stay here

She let Ciel run the house sometimes, sure

"Oh my.."

The dark haired Male stopped and looked back, his eyes wide and glowed as they stared into the darkness that sat around

He looked back to (Y/n) as she tried to see who had said what. Ciel had to be asleep and it was only them up here!

"Manipulating the girl? Well, that I didn't expect"

His eyes widened even more. He remembered this voice

"Then again. It isn't surprising for a Demon"

Before he could speak again, he quickly turned around and stood in front of (Y/n) as protectively as possible

The girl could only look up and around in confusion "Sebastian? What's wrong?" What's with this sudden darkness? This new voice? And what did they say about Sebastian? A Demon? What's going on, it doesn't make sense-

The steps of the individual interrupted them before they stopped nearby "Oh? She doesn't know?"

Her eyes stared off as the uneasy feeling clouded her. Yet, the feeling of a presence behind her made her grow even more cautious

"Why not I enlighten you, eh?"

Cold finger tips grasped her cheek, making her flinc-

A growl

A loud one

Was it directed at her?! Was it going to hurt her!

However, the lights suddenly began flickering and the light began to enter. And there the two were, standing in the middle of the room with the girl clutching Sebastian closely as he held his arms up just the slightest

His curiosity was as broad as ever. What was going on? First, this party, then this blonde kid was here that the rich kid knew. Then, the..The person, they were in the house

How did they get in

"Sebastian...What happened?"

The Male looked down to her and slowly wrapped his arms around her. She was scared and shaking. It hurt him to see her in such a state

Sebastian pat her head and leaned, planting a kiss on her head "Its alright, my Dear...I'll protect you" And with his guard still up at what had happened previously, he continued to keep her close

His precious, darling

The poor soul he doesn't want to be gone from him

This day was just getting worst by the second, wasn't it


(Y/n) sucked in some breath and then released it as she walked along the hall

She had to make her way to class but, today Sebastian didn't have a class so she was on her own

Such a wild day it ahead been yesterday. Maybe even the past two

It had been long and aching but, finally they were out of it. She looekd down the way to see something down some ways

But, she just payed it no mind and kept going. It wasn't her business anyway

"Miss (Y/n)"

The girl lift her brows and looked back before going in a circle and spotting the person that called out to her. But her surprise was ridden once she saw who it was

"Oh, hey. Claude dude-"

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