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When I awoke this morning I thought I'd have a normal day like most of mine were. I was horrifically wrong, today turned out to be the day I'd lose the most important thing to me, my freedom.

"Athena" said my father snapping me out of my trance. I looked up at him with watery eyes as I searched for one ounce of emotion in them. There was none. "It's final and it will happen, you will go through with it for the sake and reputation of this family."

"Papa, please I can't!" I whined with tears now streaming down my face. He stood from his chair behind his desk and in one swift motion I was in his grasp. He tightly gripped the back of my head pulling my hair. I winced at the pain and shut my eyes while sobbing from disappointment and discomfort.

"Listen here, you will marry Vincenzo in 10 days and if you so think about trying something to get out of it you will regret it." He seethed out, harshly releasing me from his grasp and throwing me to the floor.

"Please, papa. I beg you please don't do this to me." I said just above a whisper feeling defeated on the floor. He sat down again in his seat and shot a look at me with red eyes.

"FUORI DALLA MIA VISTA!!" Out of my sight! He roared. I quickly picked myself up and ran out of his office into my bedroom.

Once inside I locked the door for safety measures and began to sob on the floor once again. How could he do this to me, he's never been father of the year but marrying me off to a man I don't even know seemed far fetched even for him. I'm only 17... what am I going to do....

It was late so I decided to shower and head to bed, I'll deal with this tomorrow morning. I had no more energy left in me from so much crying. I felt defeated.

*** morning

I awoke early with puffy eyes from last nights frantic evening. I instantly remembered what my papa had said to me... I'd be married off to god knows who in now 9 days. Would I still be able to attend school, see my best friend, have free will?! All of these thoughts flooded my mind and before I knew it my eyes were beginning to water. How could this happen to me, I thought to myself... I've always followed my papa's absurd rules and tried my best to do schooling, am I being punished by the universe in some way?

I sat up from my bed and looked over to my night stand to pick up my phone and headed to the bathroom. Once inside I texted Nina, my best friend. Well basically my only friend since my papa had a strict rule about no guy friends and insisted I only keep Nina around because "one friend is enough" I complied only because Nina was enough for me. I loved her like my own sister.

Athena- Would you mind coming over tonight, I have the worst news & I need my bestie :,(

Nina- I have dance class later today but I'll let you know <3

I shut my phone and sighed. I hoped in the shower to get ready for what hell awaited me today.

After I had gotten done I went to the kitchen to be greeted by my mother and big brother who were sitting at the table eating breakfast. I grabbed myself a plate and sat facing my mother and brother.

"Buongiorno principessa" good morning Princess. said my mother with a soft smile across her face. I could tell she knew what papa had told me and how distraught she felt. "Buongiorno mamma" good morning mom. I sighed out.

"I know what papa is going to do to you Athena and please know I tried my hardest to stop him from going through with it." He looked at me with sad eyes. I adore my brother and he has always looked out for me when it came to our papa. He wasn't an easy man and I received most of his hand and comments.

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