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Nina had gone home last night after a couple hours of chatting and watching movies. I was sad to see her go because I didn't know when the next time I would see her was. This morning I awoke to my parents arguing about tonight's dinner preparations. Ah, that's right... tonight I'm meant to meet my future husband. I'm SO excited. Not.

I shrugged it off and headed to my closet to get ready, I picked out a long sleeve fitted crop top and baggy low rise jeans paired with black high top converse. Perfect. I wasn't one to dress very girly, I more liked baggy clothing and the ocasional tight dresses. Once I finished up I headed to the living room where my parents were standing arranging preparations for tonight.

"Athena." said my papa giving me a nod.

"Papa." i gave a fake half smile.

My mother came over and gave me a hug and kiss, I really loved her and I could tell she was really struggling with the news about my arranged marriage. She too was arranged to marry someone, that man being my father. We come from a long line of mafia men and it's not uncommon to get married for allegiance purposes but... come on it's fucking 2021, who the fuck still arranges marriages. Oh that's right, the lunatic standing in the living room.

I roll my eyes and release my mother from our hug. She grabs both my hands and gives me a warm look as if telling me everything will be okay. I hoped it would be. As I let go and headed out of the living room I heard papa clear his throat. This should be good.

"Athena, have you made yourself useful and prepared for tonight?" He asked.

"I'm heading out to buy a dress for tonight papa, everything else is prepared." I said looking to the floor as I fidgeted with my hands. It was a habit of mine whenever I got nervous or anxious and my father had a way of making me both.

"Good. I expect you home by 6:30, dinner is served at 8:00pm. Don't embarrass me by being late... you've caused enough shame to this family in just 17 years, tonight better not add onto that."

"Yes pa-" before I could finish speaking he walked away to his office where my brother stood outside. He shot me a small smile and walked inside, I turned on my feet and headed out the door.

God he makes me so mad, you've brought enough shame to this family... the words repeated in my head until I arrived at the mall. Let's get something slutty shall we!!

If I'm going to get married I might as well try to make a good impression on him, Italian mafia men have a tendency of being unfaithful so... we shall see if this man is any different. I left my car and set into the mall and eventually found a little store with nice dresses and other things.

Hmm. Maybe a little black dress? Black was definitely my color and most of my clothing was black, but tonight I want to stand out a little more. Maybe red, pink?? I thought to myself while walking through the racks.

This. Is. The. One!!! I grabbed a wine colored long sleeve short dress and immediately headed to a changing room to try it on. I slipped out of my clothes and tried it on, it's perfect! Sexy but still modest enough to wear to dinner.

<Here's the dress for reference>

<Here's the dress for reference>

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