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After a silent car ride we arrived at a gigantic gated mansion that had guards almost everywhere. I looked at the place as we pulled up like a kid in a candy store, it was breathtaking. The house was modern and seemed like Vincenzo's style. I realized how I was gawking out the window and relaxed myself back into the seat as he pulled up in front of the house.

He turned off the car and came around to my side and opened my door for me, I stepped out.

"Faster, you take for fucking ever, jesus." He said grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me out of the car as he continued to drag me up the steps to the door.

Wtf is his problem?

"You're hurting me! Let go!!" I over dramatized it because I wanted him to stop dragging me like a dog on a leash. Did it work, no. He only scoffed and confined to pull on me.

As I was pulled through the mansion I couldn't help but look around in awe at the amazing architecture and furniture around the place. It was beautiful, I don't think I'd mind moving in here after all.

He let go suddenly when he arrived at huge wooden black doble doors with a plaque plastered on it with the words "The Gun" on them.... "the gun?" I whispered low enough that he couldn't hear me to myself in confusion.

"Sit in one of the chairs in front of my desk and don't speak until I give you permission to." He said in a monotone voice as he walked over to his large desk and sat in a beautiful black chair behind it. I stayed by the door frozen until I saw him raise a brow from his seat.

"As you know we're to wed in 2 days, everything has been taken care of from flowers to cake. I hired someone to do all of the unnecessary shit for us." He said as he went to remove his tie and eventually his suit jacket. It looked super expensive and clean. His body was so muscular and toned that his white button down fit him in all the right places. I couldn't deny that he is a very attractive man... but he's a dick nonetheless.

I stared at my hands while he spoke. I was too nervous to even look at him as we were alone in his office, in his gigantic home. I hoped he wouldn't get irritated and call her out on it.

"Let's discuss how your living situation will change and rules that you will follow in my home." Said Vincent. Although I didn't look at him I felt his eyes on me. "Look at me while I speak to you, puttana." He slammed one hand onto his desk resulting in me jolting up to meet his eyes. He was pissed, but when wasn't he?

He looks me up and down and lick his lips before leaning back a bit in his seat. I felt my cheeks begin to glow red and my panties pool beneath me... what's wrong with me?! I instantly brought my knees together to ease the tension and bit my lip. During this I guess I must've lost track of what was happening because suddenly Vincenzo was behind my seat and his hand was caressing my cheeks down to my jaw with his palm. I didn't protest because quite frankly it felt nice to be touched like this even if it was him.

"What's the matter my amore?" He brought his head down and whispered into my ear seductively. My breathing became irregular from this and I felt like I was going to explode at any moment from this, HE made me feel this way. I titled my head back into him without realizing or thinking it through, it's m body is operating on auto pilot.

Swiftly Vincenzo grabs my hair and pulls it back to where my eyes shoot open and meet his. He has beautiful brown eyes that seem to have no sense of humanity left in them. I looked at him not being able to form a full sentence from how flustered I am. I bet my cheeks are the reddest they've ever been.

"So much for thinking I'm an ass, look at you withering away from just my touch.." he chucked. "I knew you were a good girl deep down amore, I hope you'll cause no problems and behave for me when you move in." His hand let go of my hair and moved back to my cheeks where he stared into my eyes and gave one of them a soft pat before walking back to his desk leaving me here— all flustered.

I lift my head quickly and fix myself back in my seat. Fuck him. I need to stop being so weak for someone that I barely know but know enough to know that they're an ass. He was right, I do think he's an ass.

"Vincenzo..." I looked at him with an innocent look. 

"Mmm." He said not breaking eye contact.

"You mentioned something about rules, why would I have to go by a set of rules here? I don't believe that's how marriages work.."

"This isn't a normal marriage. Never will be. I expect you to follow my rules because they will keep you safe and others will be for my personal satisfaction." He smirked his last words out. Personal satisfaction???

"Personal satisfaction?" I pulled my eyebrow together in confusion. I genuinely want to know what he's on about.

"Yes, personal satisfaction. You will not see other men, you will not wear whatever I tell you, you will not lie to me because trust me I will know, you will do as I say. Got it?" He had no emotion on his face, is he serious right now?! I rolled my eyes and scoffed in purr disbelief of what came out of his mouth.

"Watch yourself, I will not tolerate disrespect, Athena." He narrowed his eyes.

"So what you're saying is that basically I'm your bitch while you do whatever your tiny grinch heart desires, am I right?" I said crossing my arms over my chest visibly looking upset. He let out a sinister laugh that sent a shiver down my back.

"Your words not mine, putanna." He smirked. "But, yes— that's exactly how it will be. You will listen to me and only me day in and day out so long as we're married."

"No, you're delusional if you think I'll just fall at your feet and answer to your every command-you're wrong." I leaned back in my seat without breaking eye contact.

"Oh but you will, you'll see." He stood from his seat and once again grabbed me. "Let's go I'm dropping you off, it's getting late and you're testing my patience."

"So I've heard." I said under my breath.

~Time skip~

Vincenzo dropped me home and drove off without saying a word after a painfully quiet car ride. I instantly went inside and got ready for bed, I was exhausted.

Now it's 10am and I'm sitting in my bed... thinking about how my life will change drastically so soon and it's out of my control. The wedding is tomorrow at 6pm and it's really getting to me. I feel tears streaming down my face and soon I'm silently sobbing to myself thinking about everything. How did everything go so wrong at only 17?

Short one :/
End of chapter, thanks for reading :)

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