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"Athena, I know what you did."


I turn around to face him and see the look on his face, he's clearly not his happiest... not that I have ever seen him genuinely happy.

"What are you talking about?" I bite the inside of my cheeks from the sudden nerves creeping up.

"Don't play stupid with me, many things you are but stupid isn't one of them. Don't waste my time—you know exactly what I'm talking about putanna, I have cameras all over this god damn place."

Oh fuck..

"I— I don't know what to say..." I pull my hands together and begin fidgeting with my fingers.

"Hmm." He nods clearly pissed off "What the fuck were you doing snooping around my house, Athena?" He stands from the bed and strides over to me.

I don't dare look up at him and keep my gaze towards the floor unable to face him.

"I... I- um. I got bored and wanted to look around the place. I didn't mean to snoop around." I whispered.

"Yet you entered a room and proceeded to do just that huh? Now, tell me Athena what did you find in there?"

I swallowed thickly. There's no way I can tell him what I found in the room without embarrassing myself completely.

"Fucking look at me when I speak to you." He said through gritted teeth grabbing me by the cheeks forcefully making me look into his eyes.

God, if looks could kill.

My breathing sped up as I look into his eyes trying to contain a sob from the force he's applying on my face. His expression, none... he looks not phased by this at all.

"I asked you a question, answer it." His hand let go of my cheeks but I continued to look into his eyes afraid of the consequences of I didn't.

"I— I found a nursery..." I whispered.

"Is that all?" His jaw clenched.

"A-and family portraits." I looked away from his eyes as I finished my sentence.

I felt the feelings of what I felt in that moment come rushing back and my eyes began to well with tears.

"I see." He let out a deep breath.

"I said look at me, Athena." He grabs me by my waist.

With sadness and disappointment I look into his eyes trying my best to not let the tears fall from my eyes. It all makes so much sense now why he said what he said about me not getting my hopes up about us... I was set up for a life of disappointment and Vincenzo is no different than everyone else who's failed me time and time again.

"Are you going to explain to me who the woman and child are, Vince?" I say lowly blinking away the tears from my eyes unintentionally only realizing when I feel the hot tears roll down my cheeks.

"That's a story for another time, Athena."

"Yeah, I figured." I remove his hands from my waist and go to leave once again but before I can he grabs me by my wrist and drags me back to where I was.

"What, Vince?! What the fuck else do you want from me? I'm already your mafia careers missing piece for you to be taken even more seriously. I care for you... but you push me away, god." I'm now crying as I'm letting out my frustration out.

"All you do is use me and then make me feel like shit for caring. You keep secrets from me but expect me to be the perfect mafia wife... I'm done. Do whatever you please, keep as many secrets as you wish just— leave me alone right now. I need to calm down."

"You're not going anywhere, if you want to know the story that bad I promise to tell you when we're back home."

"Just answer me one thing, why am I here right now?" I place my hands on his chest pleading to hear at least one thing that's genuine from his lips.

"Athena, you already know why you're here." he rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Why am I really here, Vincenzo?"

"For mafia matters."


"Watch your mouth."

I drop my head into his chest and sigh. His hand comes up and rests on top of my head gently massaging my hair.

"You make things more difficult than they need to be, amore." Vincenzo pushes himself back and exits the room without saying another word.

What the fuck...

In a spring of confidence I head out the door to stop Vincenzo before he can leave without any sort of explanation.

I find him pacing around the living room downstairs with his hand on his temples making him look all the more stressed. I walk down until I'm a couple steps away from him and he hang noticed my presence yet.

"Vince..." I say softly.

He stops pacing but doesn't turn around to face me.

"Please let me in Vince, I'm begging." I step closer to his back.

"I can't."

I reach his back and lay my head onto it and snake my hands around his toned stomach. Staying in place for a moment just taking in the rare opportunity to hug him.

He suddenly turns and faces me.

"Athena, why do you care so much?" He says beginning to sound annoyed.

"Bec-" he cuts me off. "Fucks sake get it through your thick fucking skull that we will never be like how you want us to be."

"That's not true. You're just saying these things to push me away." Nonetheless, I feel my heart begin to thump rapidly in my chest from his words.

"Oh but it is, you're just too naive to understand."

"Stop." The tears begin to stream down my face.

"Accept it, it's the truth." He says emotionless.

"It's not! Fucking stop! Just let me in Vincenzo, I don't know what happened to you but I won't betray you or hurt you. I just want..." I paused and stepped forward and place my hands around his waist again. "You not to hate me all the god damn time." I sigh.

He rolls his eyes and places his hands on the small of my back and stares deeply into my wet eyes.

"Amore, if I hated you this would be ten times easier than it is for me."

"Please, Vince." I whisper.

His eyes looks down to my lips and he crashes his lips onto mine taking me aback. I reciprocate the kiss and it instantly turnes passionate. His hands explore my body as mine rest on his neck and occasionally go up to his hair.

I gently tug on his hair causing a low groan to leave his lips and I feel myself grow wet.

Thanks for reading... to be continued!

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