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"No." I said looking up at him with little to no regret. I simply feel drained.

Vincenzo stepped closer to me with a smug look on his face, he's not happy. He knelt down and stared into my teary eyes for a moment before bringing his hand up to the back of my head and gently caressing it. I didn't expect it, it felt nice. Two tears streamed down my face as I moved into his hand and closed my eyes, his cold finger tips wiped my tears from my cheeks.

"My sweet Athena, such a brat when it comes to doing what she's told." He tutted.

I opened my eyes back up and stared into his now dark with anger eyes, I couldn't help but take a glance at his rosey lips.

"No, you don't get to feel pleasure after the shit you just pulled putanna." He gritted through his teeth and his grip on my hair tightened to an uncomfortable pull.

I winced in pain and more tears began to run down my face, the pull was becoming unbearable. Both of my hands went up and grabbed his wrist trying to pry his hold open, to no success.

"Ah— please, let go, Vince!"

"Listen to me and listen to me good, Athena. I've just had about enough of you bullshit." He paused and moved me close enough to his face that I could feel his breath on my lips.

"You will get into our room in about 5 minutes or god help me you'll regret it. I have no time to play games with you." He said clearly irritated.

"You've had about enough huh? That makes two of us you bastard." I said pursing my lips together and blinking away the remains tears.

"Watch your fucking mou—"

"Or what, you'll kill me?" I cut him off. His eyes shifted from both of mine to my lips. I could tell he was losing it.

"If so be my guest, Vincenzo."

"Get inside, I mean it, Athena." He growled and let go of my hair and grabbing my wrist swiftly dragging me up.

Vincenzo turned to leave and I was not ready to end our talk, he would listen to me and listen to me good this time.

"I'm not going inside. One moment you're the coldest human being on the planet and the next you want me to sleep with you at night— I'm tired of pretending everything is fine. It's fucking not. I'm exhausted, you— you make me feel worthless almost all of the time.." I said loud enough that he could clearly hear me. He stopped in his tracks and stayed there for a moment.

"You could've picked anyone else in the world, I didn't choose this— my life wasn't supposed to be this way. I was supposed to finish high school and go to college and do something I loved, not— marry someone who merely wants me for sexual favors..." I whispered the last bit and began to sob, I was letting out everything I'd bottled up in the past month. 

"Look at me! Turn around and tell me something, anything!" I screamed just begging for an answer. But he remained turned around.

"Boohoo Athena, we've all got things we have to do that we didn't plan on. Get inside or stay out here for all I care, good luck in the cold." And just like that he strolled back inside of the house.

I wiped the tears from my face and decided it was best to head inside, I don't want to be outside in shorts and a sports bra all night long. As much as I want to stay away from Vincenzo, there's no escaping him... for now at least.

I made my way through the gigantic house until I arrived at the double doors of our bedroom. I hesitate before opening them for a moment, he must be furious. I just want to head inside and fall asleep to rid myself of the painful thoughts in my head.

I open the door and see him laying on his side of the bed, the only light in the room coming from my lamp which I had previously turned off illuminated his shirtless figure. Hopefully he's asleep, I doubt it though.

"About time." He snapped staying in the same spot.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my side of the bed and turned off my lamp once again. I climbed into the bed and laid facing away from Vince as he also faced away from me, I guess he also doesn't want to have anymore altercations.

My heart feels heavy thinking about being with the man for possibly the rest of my life, I couldn't deny that he's insanely attractive... but an absolute ass at times. Well, most of the time.

He shuffled in the bed a couple times and I felt him turn over in the bed now facing my back. Don't do it...

I turned around also facing him, his eyes are closed and his cheeks are a bit red from having been outside. He is truly a sight for sore eyes, shame he's such a dick.

"Take a picture amore, it lasts longer." He said suddenly opening his eyes and smirking.

"I—I wasn't staring.." I totally was.

"Bullshit, you can't even lie properly."

"Not true." I furrowed my brows and went to turn back over when his hand held me at the waist and stopped me.

I looked down at his hand and back at him in confusion, what now?


"You look beautiful." His hand reached my cheek and began smoothly caressing it.

"...thanks, Vince." I looked into his now softened eyes confused, something is different.

"Athena, I don't want to give you false hope— I'm not a man made to love, I simply married for business and I'm sorry it had to be you." He took a deep breath.

"You deserve so much more than what you've been given. I can't be the man you need— spare yourself the sorrow and accept it sooner rather than later, for your own sake." He said in a low tone now caressing my head.

I was in a state of shock hearing what had just come out of his mouth.. does this mean he'll never try? How can he be so sure that he's not made for love if he hasn't even given it a chance? My throat has gone dry as I continue to look into his eyes searching for something, anything. It hurt to hear it all.

"What— what are you saying, Vincenzo?"

"I'm saying don't be stupid and get attached. I'm not a good man—I-I don't know how else to put it for you." He removed his hand and placed them under his pillow.

I scoffed at the absurdity of his words.

"You say this after what happened on the jet? After practically begging me to sleep in your bed? You're unbelievable."

"You're right—you're not a good man, I'd be foolish to fall for someone like you. Goodnight Vincenzo." For a second I could've sworn I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes but it quickly disappeared, probably a fragment of my imagination.

I rolled my eyes and went to turn.

"Athena." He grabbed my waist before I could.

"Don't touch me, leave me alone. I wish to sleep." I removed his hand and quickly turned over again and moved as far away as possible without falling off the bed.

Vincenzo simply sighed loudly and turned back over in the bed. I don't care if he's pissed, he just told me things I didn't want to hear... maybe I had fallen for him, I'd explain the pain in my chest.

He was right, for my sake I need to realize he'll never be what I need. And I will never be enough for him... I'm not her. I should've known from the moment I caught him cheating.

I've had enough, I need to rest. Tomorrow will be different and I'll give Vincenzo exactly what he's wanted. A marriage that is only for his mafia title.

Thanks for reading... to be continued:)

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