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An: I'm sorry for not posting for a while:,) I've been really unmotivated to!! I'll try to update more from now on. Oh, and my story his 1k reads WTF???? Thank you to those who enjoy it lol <3


I awoke to sun beaming through open curtains and a light cool breeze hitting my bare skin. I looked around the room and no trace of Vince could be seen, thank god. Today I'd stay away from him and lay low...

I head to the bathroom and shut the door behind me and lock it, no more surprises. He's going to get exactly what he wants from this marriage and nothing more.

Later that evening:

I'd headed down for breakfast in the kitchen this morning after finishing up getting ready. I'd seen no sight of Vincenzo, my guess is he's away on mafia business. I stayed behind with my baby sitter who for some odd reason looks absolutely terrified whenever I walk into a room... I wonder why. I laugh to myself.

I'm strolling through the place running my fingers along all of the expensive decorations and furniture, I can't get enough of this place. I walk down a long dimly lit hallway in the house that leads to huge double doors on the bottom floor.

I know I probably shouldn't be snooping but... I'm bored and there's really nothing else to do besides explore. I'm sure there's nothing here that Vincenzo needs to hide away from anyone, why bring me here if that was the case?

I placed my hand on the door knob and slowly opened the door, I peeked my head in first to make sure no one was inside. The coast is clear and I enter the room.

The only light in the room is coming from a large window in the center wall, everything in the room is covered with sheets and there's dust everywhere. Strange... the rest of the house seems to be in perfect condition, why not this room?

The walls are a pastel blue with white trimming, it's beautiful. I move to the largest item in the room that's in the middle on top of a circular brown carpet, maybe I shouldn't be looking through this room.

I suddenly felt a bad feeling about this...

Whatever, it can't be that bad.

I grab the sheet and take a couple deep breaths before snatching it off... oh my god.

A baby crib?! My mouth fell open at the sight of a baby crib, and then it clicked, this isn't just an empty unkept room— it's a baby nursery.

I drop the sheet and move onto the rest of the pieces in the room quickly snatching them all off as if I'm a fit of rage.

Everything seems to be for an infant, a small dresser, a rocking chair, the crib, and a baby rocker... what's he hiding? Could he secretly be a father, no, there's no way. The Vincenzo I know swears he's incapable of love, no way he conceived a child.

I look over to my right and see something tucked away behind the rocking chair under another sheet. I walk over and sit in front of it... maybe I should stop looking now, this place seems personal.

No, I have a right to know if he potentially has a child somewhere that I don't know about... not to mention, where could the mother of said child be?

I shake the thoughts from my head and brace myself for whatever is under the last cover object in the room. 3...2...1...

Instantly the air in my lungs was knocked out of me, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I couldn't believe my eyes, multiple pictures of Vincenzo and and unknown woman and infant in this very room.

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