1 - the boy next door

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"Luke, honey, come down stairs, the new neighbors are here!", Luke's mum Liz called up the stairs.

Luke groaned and smacked his pillow over his face. He really didn't want to go down there. He had plenty of neighbors, old boring ones, did he really need any more??

He reached over and paused the All Time Low that was playing softly through his speakers, and trudged down stairs. He couldn't believe his mom was making him do this, again.

Luke walked into his living room, looking off into the distance rolling his eyes. "Nice to meet you I'm Lu-"

The whole world stopped for a moment. You know that one moment, the one that changes everything, maybe the moment you find hope or meaning in your life? The one where you know, that this is it, from now on for the rest of your life, this is apart of you. This was Luke's moment.

His breath hitched in his throat as he brought his eyes around to a boy his age sitting cross legged on his couch. He had fluffy pink hair, with kitten ears sitting atop it..

"-ke." He finished and exhaled slowly.

He couldn't believe what was sitting in front of him. A small and frail fluffy headed angel. Strange and adorable.

"Nice to meet you Luke, I'm Michael!", the boy squeaked excitedly and rushed over to hug Luke.

He gasped as the impact of the small boys weight ran into him and laughed shyly before awkwardly hugging him back.

"Now Michael, let go of the poor boy!", his mother chuckled as she came and slowly pulled Michael away from Luke.

Michael stood up, several feet away from the tall blonde boy. "I'm sorry," he whispered, "It's just been so long since I've had a friend."

Luke knew right then, he didn't have a choice. He was this boys new friend. And soon enough, Luke hoped it would be more.

And he was whipped.

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